IBEC’s new spaces – all in all, about 900m2 – have been designed according to the specific requirements of their occupants. IBEC’s new Synthetic, Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems (SPECS) research group, led by ICREA Research Professor Paul Verschure, and the Biomedical Signal Processing and Interpretation (BIOSPIN) group, led by Raimon Jané, have both already finished moving in. As well as their lab spaces, administrative and meeting spaces have also been made available for the use of support staff or visitors. The IBEC groups both occupy Building C: the BIOSPIN group is located on floor 5, and the SPECS group occupies floor 6, with some of their installations in the basements of Building C and I. It’s hoped that new collaborations will pop up, since other UPC groups such as IBEC associated researcher Maria Pau Ginebra are also there.
“We’re convinced that the new facilities – and the new collaborative university environment – will make it possible for these groups to build on the already impressive level of excellence they’ve shown so far,” says IBEC director Josep Samitier. “This new location represents a new leap in IBEC’s objective to be a first-level centre.”
All this has been made possible by a €1.400.000 grant from PO FEDER Catalunya 2014-2020, which funds spaces and equipment at the institute through the project “Adequació de nous espais de laboratoris i adquisició d’equipament científic per a els laboratoris de l’Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya pel desenvolupament de tecnologies per la medicina regenerativa i nanomedicina”.