Celebrating women in science

Women science

Women scienceAlícia Casals, head of IBEC’s Robotics group and one of the researchers included in the exhibition “16 Catalan Women Scientists” (16 científiques catalanes), will take part in a round table discussion with other participants on 14 December entitled “Women, Society and Science: Breaking the glass ceiling”.

The regeneration game

Tackling tissue morphogenesis in humans

25% of European patients waiting for an organ donor die before one can be found, and in an average year the number of available donors corresponds to about 15% of the number needed. Solutions to this and other problems related to degenerative disease and regenerative medicine are being addressed by the EU project AngioScaff, which is having its annual meeting in Barcelona this week.

Strengthening links between east and west: NANOJASP 2010

On 29-30 November IBEC will have a strong presence at NANOJASP 2010, a new international conference organized by Institut Català de Nanotecnologia (ICN) and Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology (KAST) and held at Barcelona´s Casa de Convalescència.

Beating the regeneration blockers

IBEC researchers shed light on inhibitory molecules in neuroregeneration

It’s known that the development of neuronal diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease is connected with the levels of myelin – an insulating substance around nerve fibres – in the body, although the actual causes of these conditions remain unknown.

IBEC to host Sociedad Española de Microbiología group congress

sem Ibec

sem IbecThis week IBEC will be hosting the 8th meeting of the Molecular Microbiology group of the Sociedad Española de Microbiología (SEM). The congress will offer the chance for participants to learn about noteworthy advances in the field and to discuss the particular trends and challenges in this area.

Race for life

carrera IBEC

carrera IBECOn Sunday 24 October, 21 women scientists and staff from IBEC struggled out of bed at an ungodly hour to take part in Barcelona’s sixth annual Carrera de la Mujer, a five-kilometre race through the streets in aid of charity.