Josep Samitier on BTV

IBEC Director Josep Samitier talks to Lluís Reales in a half-hour-long interview for the BTV science programme Terrícoles. Click on the image to watch the video.

¿Y si todos tuviéramos un corazón de repuesto?

2015 09 12 JSamitier ElPaisAn introduction by IBEC Director Josep Samitier begins a 9-page article in El Pais about the future of organ replacement in light of the advances in 3D printing. As biological materials can now be ‘printed’ as scaffolds that can be used for implants and tissue repair or organs, is the fabrication of entire functioning organs closer than ever?

“Un animal teledirigido con ondas sonoras”

2015 09 17 PGorostiza ElPaisIBEC’s Pau Gorostiza is a quoted expert in an El Pais article about research into sonogenetics at the Salk, where researchers have produced worms with genetically modified nervous systems that can be controlled by sound waves.