BIYSC: helping students unlock their potential

BIYSCimageThis month IBEC is taking part in the Barcelona International Youth Science Challenge (BIYSC 2016), a new initiative that aims to stimulate scientific talent among young people from all over the world.

IBEC’s researchers are contributing via the institute’s BIYSC project, “Instructive Biomaterials for Regenerative Medicine”, coordinated by Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies group senior researcher Soledad Pérez. The project aims to help the students understand the basis of regenerative medicine and to find out about developing of target-specific biomaterial scaffolding systems. IBEC’s project is one of ten being offered by research centres in the area within the framework of BIYSC, including IRB, CRG, ICFO, the UB, and ICIQ, and one of four that was fully subscribed.

IBEC a winner at the 10th National Alares Awards 2016

premios alaresAt a ceremony held yesterday at the Caixa Forum in Madrid, IBEC’s managing director David Badia received on behalf of IBEC the second prize for “Reconciliation of Working Life, Family and Personal and Social Responsibility” from the Alares Foundation.

IBEC, which was one of just 39 winners selected from 392 candidates, received the award for the practices implemented in its guide “Measures to reconcile work and family life”, as well as for its actions towards social responsibility. These include the creation of the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) and its Action Plan, which has 17 measures benefiting staff and researchers; its actions on responsible research and innovation; the training of experts in health technologies; and its extensive programme of dissemination and outreach actions to boost the visibility of the scientific research at the institute, among other things.

New BIB website boosts visibility of Catalan potential in bioinformatics

bibBioinformatics Barcelona (BIB) has officially launched its website, which details the bioinformatic activities of 40 partners – including IBEC – and over 80 research groups.

IBEC’s Biomedical Signal Processing and Interpretation, Mechanics of development and disease and Signal and Information Processing for Sensing Systems groups are featured on the site, as they carry out bioinformatics-related activities such as algorithmics, biomedical informatics, biostatistics, or bioinformatics of disease and treatment.

9th IBEC Symposium on the theme of ‘Bioengineering for Active Ageing’

SYM16_abstractsbookIBEC is celebrating its 9th annual IBEC Symposium today at Barcelona’s AXA Auditorium.

This year the theme will be ‘Bioengineering for Active Ageing, which is one of the institute’s three main areas of application.

The global ageing population will have considerable consequences, but biomedical engineering can contribute greatly to improving the quality of life of older people. Assisted living technologies such as telecare, home-based devices and services that support daily life with a remote link to a call-centre, and telehealth – remote monitoring, consultation and diagnosis – can help support independent living at home, keeping patients out of hospital and residential care for longer. Advances in sensors, signal treatment, data analysis, robotics and intelligent control systems at IBEC are enabling the development of remote care or assisted living, so that people with dementia or long-term health conditions can remain in their own homes.

IBEC at first ever international 3D printing congress

In3dustry_bothIBEC Director Josep Samitier and the Technology Transfer unit introduced IBEC’s 3D bioprinting capabilities at the first IN(3D)USTRY event, which was held in Barcelona last week.

The first ever international meeting devoted to 3D printing, “IN(3D)USTRY: From Needs to Solutions” saw leading companies and other organisations showcase the innovations and opportunities that the new technology can offer to countless projects and processes.

The meeting, which was founded by Fira de Barcelona and HP, attracted professionals working in areas as diverse as as autos and aeronautics, architecture and habitat, retail and consumer goods and, of course, healthcare.

Celebrating advances in spinal cord and brain research by Marató-funded projects

pgorostiza_allobet_IBEC group leader and ICREA research professor Pau Gorostiza took part in the 17th Symposium of La Marató de TV3 this week, which was devoted to the celebration of the 30 research projects awarded funding by the telethon in 2010.

The event at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans on Wednesday, which included a poster session open to the public, featured round tables of experts discussing the findings of the projects, which covered research into the understanding, treatment and prognosis acquired spinal cord and brain injuries.

IBEC’s Xavier Trepat a guest star at Big Vang’s first anniversary

Xavier Trepat, ICREA professor and group leader at IBEC, was the guest star at the first anniversary celebration of Big Vang, La Vanguardia’s online science section

bigvangAt the event on 7th June, where Xavier shared the stage with the director of IRB Joan Guinovart, the relationship between scientists and journalists was discussed – a relationship that can sometimes be a little illusive, as journalist Cristina Saez put it, referring to the disagreements that can arise between the two sides when explaining science to the public. Along with fellow journalist Núria Jar, she introduced questions to the invited guests.

Three minutes of fame

ana3minutesIBEC PhD student Ana Solorzano has been selected as one of the 10 finalists from 300 participants in a “Thesis in 3 Minutes” competition that will take place at the 2016 Jornadas de Cooperación CONACyT-Catalunya (JCCC) next week.

Ana, who is doing her PhD in the Signal and Information Processing for Sensing Systems group of Santiago Marco, will present the condensed explanation of her work, entitled “Fuego, Sensores de Gas, Reconocimiento de Patrones, Intoxicación”, at the finals of the competition at the JCCC event on 13th June.

In the presence of royalty

IBEC director Josep Samitier, along with other leading lights from Spain’s Severo Ochoa and María de Maeztu centres, was received by Their Majesties the King and Queen earlier today.

Their Majesties received the directors and representatives of 33 insitutions, including IBEC, that have been accredited with the highest institutional recognition of scientific research in Spain, at the Palacio de la Zarzuela this morning.

Carmen Vela, Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation, highlighted the importance of the winning centers and units for the advancement of knowledge in Spain.

“Peru-sing” collaboration opportunities in South America

josepperuIBEC Director Josep Samitier was visiting Peru last week as part of a delegation of representatives from Severo Ochoa and Maria de Maeztu research centres in Spain.

The visit to Lima, organised by MINECO, which bestows the two types of Excellence awards, aimed to bring together the top Spanish institutions with those of the Pacific Alliance – Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru.

Each of the eight Spanish centres presented their research and international strategies, and they had the chance to hear about the same from Pacific Alliance centers, as well as identifying potential synergies.