IBEC’s platforms recognised in new ICTS map of cutting-edge research services in Spain

IBEC’s Core Facilities have been included in MINECO’s updated ICTS (Infraestructuras Científicas y Técnicas Singulares) map as part of NANBIOSIS, an integrated platform for research-oriented medical applications.

Created by combining the service platforms within the CIBER-BBN and CCMIJU (the Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery Jesus Uson), NANBIOSIS (Infraestructuras Integrada de Producción y Caracterización de Nanomateriales, Biomateriales y Sistemas en Biomedicina) aims to be a ‘one-stop-shop’ service facility for the design and production of biomaterials and nanomaterials, among other applications.

Presenting IBEC projects and Core Facilities at major chemistry show

IBEC is participating this week in Expoquimia, the international chemistry trade show whose 17th edition is taking place from 30 September to 3 October at the Fira Gran Via in Barcelona.

Expoquimia is attended by the leading companies and organizations in the international chemical industry such as BASF, BAYER, Dow Chemical, ICL, REPSOL and SOLVAY. The Fira’s three halls open their doors at 10am today, kicking off a program of workshops, seminars and conferences, as well as the trade exhibition.

IBEC research on the cover of Nanotechnology

The latest article published by IBEC’s Nanoscale bioelectrical characterization group has made the cover of the journal Nanotechnology.

The paper, “Finite-size effects and analytical modeling of electrostatic force microscopy applied to dielectric films”, presents a model for the accurate quantification of EFM measurements on dielectric films on metallic substrates.

IBEC and Israeli Ministry of Health join forces to promote nanomedicine

IBEC’s Xavier Fernández-Busquets appears in a video produced by the EU‪-‬funded‪ ERA-NET‬ project‪ EuroNanoMed‬ on “‪Drug Delivery‬:‪ The Use of Nanoparticles in Medicine‬”.

It’s the second in a series of videos featuring scientists working in the field of nanomedicine which are being produced for ‪EuroNanoMed‬ by its Israeli partner, the Chief Scientist Office of the country’s Ministry of Health (CSO-MOH).

4th Advanced Summer School taking place at IBEC this week

This week, 24 young researchers from Spain, Italy, Portugal and even further afield are at IBEC to learn about the state-of-the-art of stem cell research and regenerative medicine, as well as learning some essential lab techniques, in the fourth  “Interrogations at the Biointerface” Advanced Summer School.

The Summer School, which is co-organised annually by IBEC, the Instituto de Engenharia Biomédica (INEB) and the Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (IPATIMUB), both in Portugal, features a stellar line-up of speakers for three days and then introduces PhD students and early postdocs to advanced experimental techniques for a day.

IBEC and the municipality of Sant Feliu de Guíxols join forces to create health exhibition

On Monday 16th June IBEC signed an agreement with the council of Sant Feliu de Guíxols to work together on a new museum exhibit on the history of health and medicine in Catalunya, “Curar-se en salut”.

Sant Feliu de Guíxols’ Museu d’Història will host the exhibition, which will begin with a journey through the past to the present and future of medicine.

Marie Curie IOF for IBEC researcher

Andrea Malandrino, a postdoc in IBEC’s Biomechanics and Mechanobiology group, will spend two years at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) with a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship.

Andrea will work in new SAB member Roger Kamm’s Mechanobiology lab developing the “Coordination And Migration of Cells during 3D vasculogenesis” (CAMVAS) project, in which existing 3D microfluidic techniques are combined with a computational model of vasculogenesis.

IBEC’s science on show

IBEC is taking part in this year’s Festival Ciència, Tecnologia i Innovació – formerly known as the Festa de la Ciència – with several activities during the ‘Festa al Parc’ part on 14th-15th June.

From 11:00 each day, Elisabet Martí from the Nanomalaria group and Rosa Letizia Zaffino from Nanobioengineering will be teaming up with IrsiCaixa, coordinators of the EU project NanOpinion, to man the Mobile Station (pictured left) in the Espai Glorieta of the Parc de la Ciutadella.