Reaching further

The Barcelona Science Park (PCB), where IBEC is located, has just launched a new multimedia platform to publicize the activities of the 75 companies and three research institutes working there.

IBEC/UPC spin-off for surgical robotics

A new spin-off company created by IBEC and the UPC will focus on the manufacture and marketing of surgical systems.

Rob Surgical Systems Inc., a technology company driven by IBEC group leader Alicia Casals and senior researcher Manuel Frigola, as well as Josep Amat of the Automatic Control and Computer Engineering Department of the UPC, was approved by the university’s governing council on Friday.

Prize for arts and science project

An arts and science initiative involving IBEC and Barcelona’s Arts Santa Mònica centre, which took place earlier this year, has been awarded the Antoni Caparros Prize for Best Knowledge Transfer from the University of Barcelona.

La Marató de TV3 2010 funds awarded

maratologoThe 55 researchers who received funding from fundraising programme La Marató de TV3 2010, including IBEC’s Pau Gorostiza, attended a ceremony at the UAB last Wednesday where the grants were awarded in the presence of Minister of Health Boi Ruiz, Rector of the UAB Ana Ripoll, and La Marató de TV3 founder Enrique Marin.

IBEC students’ PhD programmes get top billing

The Spanish Ministry of Education has published the list of doctoral programmes that have received the accreditation of “Mention of Excellence”. Among them were all the main doctoral programmes open to IBEC PhD students from the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTech (UPC).

4th IBEC Symposium on Bioengineering and Nanomedicine

Last week’s fourth annual IBEC symposium on Bioengineering and Nanomedicine at the Hospital de Bellvitge attracted a record number of attendees, with more than a third coming from outside the institute. Experts in the various fields of IBEC’s research areas gathered to network and listen to the top-class speakers from Europe and beyond at the event on 18-19 October.

OCATT conference on cardiac and vascular disease

This Thursday, a conference entitled Avenços en recerca i tractament de patologia cardíaca i vascular (Advances in research and treatment of cardiac and vascular disease) organised by the Organització Catalana de Trasplantaments (OCATT) will take place in Barcelona.

Out of this world

This month, Barcelona’s Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) will play host to a former astronaut who was also the first member of his profession to stand on top of Mount Everest.