Continuing the fight against cystic fibrosis

IBEC Senior Researcher Eduard Torrents participated in a conference to mark the  National Day for Cystic Fibrosis last Wednesday 25 April.  This event, which took place at the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR), also included the official presentation of funds from the Associació Catalana de Fibrosis Quística (Catalan Association of Cystic Fibrosis) to research groups specializing in the disease.

A new look for NanoMed Spain

Don’t miss NanoMed Spain’s new and improved website at, which now offers extra features including a monthly newsletter that users may subscribe to, an RSS feed of news and events and a link to the platform’s new Twitter account (!/NanomedSpain).

The sweet smell of success

IBEC’s exhibition stand at last week’s Saló de l’Ensenyament Education Show in Barcelona, which showcased the BOND project and the world of olfaction, was swamped with young visitors keen to learn about the institute’s research and job opportunities.

The classroom in the lab

Last week, IBEC welcomed a group of third year E.S.O. students from the Oak House School in Barcelona, who were taking part in the ESCOLAB initiative of the City Council of Barcelona.