Research news
Feeling and pressing the cytoplasm
IBEC researcher in collaboration with a Harvard-led team in PNAS
Imagine an opaque bag in front of you and you wish to figure out what’s inside, what would you do? You can’t open it. So you press and you feel the content, then you might be able to tell whether it is a bag of glass beads or soft balls.
Discovery of the key to the success of some of the most virulent bacteria
Researchers at IBEC, IRB Barcelona and the UB identify the strategy used by enterobacteria to acquire resistance and pathogenicity.
The increase in the number of infections caused by multi-resistant bacteria is a growing public health concern, above all in hospital settings, where infections of this kind may have serious consequences.
New technique to study the electrical activity of the cellular membrane
Gabriel Gomila and Laura Fumagalli, from the Nanoscale bioelectrical characterization line at IBEC, are two of the authors of the study.
New Light Technique Developed to Observe Real-Time Cellular Activity on a Nanometric Scale
In any biological process, multiple interactions occurring at the molecular level make it impossible to observe live cells in real time, because light microscopes cannot focus light at scales of less than 350 nanometres.
New breakthroughs in nanophotonics, however, will shortly enable us to visualise molecular processes at an optical resolution of ten nanometres, according to researcher María García-Parajo, head of the Bionanophotonics Laboratory at IBEC.
(Un nou descobriment sobre l’evolució del DNA)
Un equip internacional d’investigadors liderat per Eduard Torrents de l’Intitut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya (IBEC), ubicat al Parc Científic de Barcelona, i Britt-Marie Sjöberg del Departament de Biologia Molecular i Genòmica Funcional de la Universitat d’Estocolm, en col·laboració amb científics de la Universitat de Western Ontario de Canadà, ha descobert com la síntesi d’algunes molècules precursores del DNA podria haver-se desenvolupat al llarg de l’evolució.
El treball, que s’ha publicat a l’edició electrònica de la revista Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), es basa en l’estudi de l’enzim responsable de la síntesi d’aquestes molècules en un virus bacterià.