
by Keyword: Imaging, tissue engineering

Blanco-Fernandez, G, Blanco-Fernandez, B, Fernández-Ferreiro, A, Otero-Espinar, F, (2023). Bringing lipidic lyotropic liquid crystal technology into biomedicine Trends In Pharmacological Sciences 44, 7-10

Liquid crystals (LCs), discovered more than 130 years ago, are now emerging in the field of biomedicine. This article highlights the recent uses of lipid lyotropic LCs in therapeutics delivery, imaging, and tissue engineering and invites the scientific community to continue exploring the design of more complex LCs. © 2022 Elsevier Ltd

JTD Keywords: biomedicine, drug delivery, glycerol monooleate, imaging, tissue engineering, Biomedicine, Drug delivery, Glycerol monooleate, Imaging, tissue engineering, Lyotropic liquid crystals