Inphinit success for IBEC

IBEC will welcome no fewer than three new PhD students with fellowships from the “la Caixa” Foundation’s new Inphinit programme, placing the institute fourth among the 28 centres that were chosen.

The doctoral fellowship programme, which aims to attract international early-stage researchers to the top Spanish research centres – namely the MINECO-selected Severo Ochoa centres and Maria de Maeztu units of excellence, and the Spanish Ministry of Health’s Carlos III centres of excellence – closed its first call in February this year.

It attracted 438 applications for the 57 positions, which are co-funded by the European Commission through COFUND, one of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie initiatives of the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme.

El día de demà: “Les malalties”

Yesterday IBEC appeared on Canal 33’s “El día de demà” programme in an episode about disease.

The programme, which is the brainchild of journalist Josep Puigbó and is directed by TV3 in association with l’Obra Social “la Caixa”, addressed the fact that in the last fifty years, life expectancy has increased by thirty years and that disciplines such as photonics, nanotechnology, robotics and augmented reality are opening new ways to diagnose, prevent or treat diseases of the future.

IBEC researcher’s ERC project highlighted in Madrid exhibition

This weekend Javier Ramon’s European Research Council-funded project, DAMOC, was one of eight highlighted in a special exhibition in Madrid to mark the ERC’s tenth anniversary.

Alcobendas’ Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (MUNCYT) displayed the most “outstanding” projects led by researchers in Spain as part of a full weekend of activities to celebrate the first decade of the prestigious funding body, which was launched in 2007 by the European Union and has funded nearly 7,000 researchers, among them six Nobel Prize winners.


All IBEC’s groups coordinate or are involved in competitively funded projects. Funding sources include the EU’s Framework Programmes, national or regional governmental grants, private foundations and industrial partnerships. Major, currently … Read more

Researchers generate human heart grafts from human pluripotent stem cells

Foto2Scientists from IBEC, in collaboration with the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón in Spain and two other groups in the USA, have made a big leap in heart regeneration advances by achieving heart grafts from human pluripotent stem cells for the first time in less than one month.

The collaborators, working in Spain and the USA, describe in the journal Biomaterials how they decellularized human hearts, all of which had been determined not suitable for transplantation by the Spanish National Transplant Organization. They left the extracellular matrix, the structure that provides cells with structural and biochemical support, intact.

IBEC International PhD Programme interviews underway

PhD Programme interviewsToday and tomorrow, 22 hopeful candidates are visiting IBEC for their interviews for IBEC´s International PhD Programme positions.

The candidates, who represent 12 countries, have been selected from the more than 150 applicants who applied for the programme’s nine positions, which are supported by Severo Ochoa and La Caixa. It’s the first ever time that IBEC has held mass interviews of this type, as the PhD programme is new for this year and forms part of the institute’s Strategy for 2014-2017 in the area of attracting the best talent from all over the world via a transparent, open and international selection process.

The busiest week of the year

postersNext week will be a full one at IBEC, with several important events on the agenda.

Monday 28th September will see the arrival of International Scientific Committee for their annual two-day meeting with IBEC’s directorate. Among other things, the panel of experts from research and industry, who will be coming from as far afield as the USA and Singapore, will be reviewing the international candidates for the group leader and tenure track positions.

On Wednesday 30th September, IBEC’s 8th Annual Symposium will take place at Barcelona’s AXA auditorium.

Israel’s former Chief Scientist among visitors for TAU/IBEC symposium

tauNext week, top scientists from Tel Aviv University (TAU), including Israel’s former Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Science and Technology, are visiting Barcelona to take part in a joint symposium with IBEC.

With many similarities between Catalonia and Israel – which are almost neck-and-neck when it comes to research output in Science and Nature, with over 30 publications per million inhabitants and similar levels of funding under FP7 – this event builds on the fact-finding mission of Artur Mas and Barcelona-based scientists to Israel last year and is supported by AGAUR.