IBEC and AEFAT join forces against ataxia telangiectasia

Today, the event “Advances in Ataxia Telangiectasia” took place, organized by the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in collaboration with AEFAT, the Spanish ataxia-telangiectasia family association. The gathering brought together patients’ families, researchers, and clinicians to explore the latest advancements in the clinical management of ataxia telangiectasia.

Organoids to study ataxia telangiectasia

Núria Montserrat Pulido, principal investigator at IBEC, will lead a project to study Ataxia telangiectasia thanks to funding from AEFAT, the Spanish ataxia-telangiectasia family association. The idea of the project is to obtain cells with the patient mutations, develop organoids, explore the possibility of gene editing processes for different mutations and create a platform for drug testing.