Book launch at IEC
IBEC director Josep A. Planell took part in the public launch last night of a book to which he has contributed, “Ciència i universitat a Catalunya: Projecció de futur”.
IBEC director Josep A. Planell took part in the public launch last night of a book to which he has contributed, “Ciència i universitat a Catalunya: Projecció de futur”.
Junior group leader Eduard Torrents is the recipient of a third “Pablo Motos” award from the Federación Española de Fibrosis Quística (FEFQ) to continue his research into identifying new antimicrobial molecules to fight the bacteria that cause complications and even death in many people with cystic fibrosis.
It has been announced that IBEC’s Pau Gorostiza (left, with the Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches group) is one of the researchers selected to benefit from the European Research Council (ERC)’s top-up funding scheme ‘Proof of Concept’.
Santiago Marco’s research group at IBEC has changed its name and will now be known as the Signal and Information Processing for Sensing Systems group.
From 1st February 2013 onwards, the Nanotechnology Platform at the Parc Científic Barcelona (PCB), which for many years has helped users develop innovative cutting-edge research incorporating micro- and nanotechnologies in a wide variety of fields, will transfer to the ownership and management of IBEC.
Before Christmas, IBEC’s associate director Josep Samitier was a panel member and speaker at a session of the seminar series ‘Nous horitzons per a l’economia metropolitana’ entitled ‘La salut, un gran potencial’. The seminar series seeks to strengthen public policies and private actions in those sectors, such as health, which have the ability to generate or export business successfully in spite of the prolonged financial crisis.
An IBEC group leader was elected as president of the Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (SEIB) at its annual meeting (CASEIB) in San Sebastián last week.