Looking forward to IBEC’s sixth annual symposium
There’s just over a week to go until IBEC celebrates its sixth annual symposium in bioengineering and nanomedicine.
There’s just over a week to go until IBEC celebrates its sixth annual symposium in bioengineering and nanomedicine.
The picture shows masters student Alejandro Calvo and senior researcher Beatriz Giraldo at this week’s “Recerca en directe” science fair in La Pedrera, where IBEC’s Biomedical Signal Processing and Interpretation group are taking part with an activity that helps participants record and process their own biomedical signals.
On Friday 12th April IBEC participated in an event and press conference to present the first results of the projects promoted by the five research centres included in the Obra Social ”la Caixa”’s pilot scheme for funding research evaluation and technology transfer.
Several of IBEC’s investigators are taking part in major events and meetings or appearing in the media in the next few days.
This morning, IBEC’s now ex-director Josep A. Planell was formally inaugurated as rector of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UoC) at a ceremony at the organisation’s headquarters in Barcelona.
A new director is being sought by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC).
In its capacity as coordinator of the Spanish Nanomedicine Platform (NanoMed Spain), IBEC was a key player at last week’s 6th Annual Conference of the Biomedical Research Technology Platforms in Madrid, which was organised by the four Spanish platforms working in the healthcare sectors.
IBEC Senior Researcher Joan Aranda’s project ‘InHANDS: robòtica interactiva per a l’assistència humana en l’entorn domèstic’ has been awarded funding by the RecerCaixa programme.
A new European Marie Curie Initial Training Network involving IBEC’s Nanoscale Bioelectrical Characterization group will attempt to bring research into microwaves – which are extensively used in a host of applications such as telecommunications, microwave ovens and radar – to a whole new level.