The power of AFM

The end of July is the abstract submission deadline for the International Meeting on AFM in Life Sciences and Medicine (AFM BioMed), to be held in Paris on 23-27 August, for which IBEC group leader Daniel Navajas is on the organizing committee.

IBEC passes the first stage of Severo Ochoa

The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) has been selected to go through to the next phase of the Ministry of Science and Innovation’s ‘Apoyo a Centros y Unidades de Excelencia Severo Ochoa’ programme, it was announced today.

Where fantasy meets reality

Antoni Homs, a postdoc in the Nanobioengineering group, did his bit for the public understanding of science this week by participating in two events in collaboration with the Centre Cultural Sant Josep in Hospitalet.

Presentation of IBEC activities to IDIBELL

On Monday 6 June, IBEC will present its activities to biomedical researchers and clinicians from IDIBELL (the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute) to kick off an official collaboration agreement between the two institutes.

ERC Starting Grant for IBEC researcher

Biomechanics and mechanobiology group leader Damien Lacroix has been awarded a prestigious European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant for his research on finite element simulations of mechanobiology in tissue engineering.

Visit of the SAB to IBEC

Some of IBEC’s research got some constructive feedback last week with the annual visit of members of the institute’s International Scientific Committee (ISC).

Lights, camera, action!



Spanish national TV channel RTVE are paying a visit to IBEC today to interview Ángel Raya, group leader of the Control of Stem Cell Potency group, on the subject of stem cell research for an episode of the science and technology programme ‘Tres14’.