IBEC lends nanotech expertise to national exhibition

If you’ve ever wanted to move an object using the power of your mind, predict the spread of a virus and the development of a pandemic, or watch a mini robot travel through the body to deliver a drug, you need look no further than the new Tecnorevolució exhibition, which has been created with IBEC’s associate director Josep Samitier as scientific adviser.

IBEC signs agreement with Biopol’H

On Friday 17 September the directorate of IBEC attended the official signing of a Framework Agreement between the institute and the Biolpol’H consortium, a biomedical and biotechnology cluster of health care facilities, institutions, research centres and companies.


In the framework of the collaboration agreement between IBEC and ITREN (Institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering of the Dankook University in Korea) to promote joint research projects and the exchange of researchers, a group of researchers from ITREN is visiting IBEC this week.

IBEC at ESOF2010

The EuroScience Open Forum (ESOF) is holding its 2010 edition in Torino (Italy) from 2nd to 7th July. ESOF is an open platform for debate and communication for the science community and it aims at presenting Europe’s leading research trends in science.

3rd IBEC Symposium on Bioengineering and Nanomedicine

The 1st and 2nd of June, the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) will hold its 3rd Annual Symposium where international experts in the fields of Bioengineering and Nanomedicine, and more specifically for Nanomedicine the  areas of Regenerative Medicine and Diagnostic, will meet in Barcelona to present and discuss some of their more recent research results.