
by Keyword: Proteolysis

Cicconofri, Giancarlo, Blanco, Pau, Vilanova, Guillermo, Saez, Pablo, Arroyo, Marino, (2024). Active interfacial degradation/deposition of an elastic matrix by a fluid inclusion: Theory and pattern formation Journal Of The Mechanics And Physics Of Solids 191, 105773

During collective invasion in 3D, cohesive cellular tissues migrate within a fibrous extracellular matrix (ECM). This process requires significant remodeling of the ECM by cells, notably proteolysis at the cell-ECM interface by specialized molecules. Motivated by this problem, we develop a theoretical framework to study the dynamics of a fluid inclusion (modeling the cellular tissue) embedded in an elastic matrix (the ECM), which undergoes surface degradation/deposition. To account for the active nature of this process, we develop a continuum theory based on irreversible thermodynamics, leading to a kinetic relation for the degradation front that locally resembles the force-velocity relation of a molecular motor. We further study the effect of mechanotransduction on the stability of the cell-ECM interface, finding a variety of self- organized dynamical patterns of collective invasion. Our work identifies ECM proteolysis as an active process possibly driving the self-organization of cellular tissues.

JTD Keywords: Accretion, Accretion and erosion, Active matter, Cell-migration, Collective invasion, Growth, Insight, Irreversible thermodynamics, Mechanics, Model, Morphogenesis, Moving non-material interfaces, Pattern formatio, Proteolysis, Surface, Surface growth

Coelho, N. M., Llopis-Hernández, V., Salmerón-Sánchez, M., Altankov, G., (2016). Dynamic reorganization and enzymatic remodeling of type IV collagen at cell–biomaterial interface Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology (ed. Christo, Z. Christov), Academic Press (San Diego, USA) 105, 81-104

Abstract Vascular basement membrane remodeling involves assembly and degradation of its main constituents, type IV collagen (Col IV) and laminin, which is critical during development, angiogenesis, and tissue repair. Remodeling can also occur at cell–biomaterials interface altering significantly the biocompatibility of implants. Here we describe the fate of adsorbed Col IV in contact with endothelial cells adhering on positively charged NH2 or hydrophobic CH3 substrata, both based on self-assembly monolayers (SAMs) and studied alone or mixed in different proportions. AFM studies revealed distinct pattern of adsorbed Col IV, varying from single molecular deposition on pure NH2 to network-like assembly on mixed SAMs, turning to big globular aggregates on bare CH3. Human umbilical endothelial cells (HUVECs) interact better with Col IV adsorbed as single molecules on NH2 surface and readily rearrange it in fibril-like pattern that coincide with secreted fibronectin fibrils. The cells show flattened morphology and well-developed focal adhesion complexes that are rich on phosphorylated FAK while expressing markedly low pericellular proteolytic activity. Conversely, on hydrophobic CH3 substrata HUVECs showed abrogated spreading and FAK phosphorylation, combined with less reorganization of the aggregated Col IV and significantly increased proteolytic activity. The later involves both MMP-2 and MMP-9, as measured by zymography and FITC-Col IV release. The mixed SAMs support intermediate remodeling activity. Taken together these results show that chemical functionalization combined with Col IV preadsorption provides a tool for guiding the endothelial cells behavior and pericellular proteolytic activity, events that strongly affect the fate of cardiovascular implants.

JTD Keywords: Type IV collagen, Adsorption, Remodeling, Pericellular proteolysis, Reorganization, Substratum chemistry, CH3 and NH2 groups, Self-assembly monolayers