IBEC and IrsiCaixa collaborate in EU project to bring nanotechnology to the classroom

The workshops will form part of the the V Jornadas sobre la enseñanza de la Física y la Química, a conference for science teachers organised by the Col·legi de Llicenciats en Lletres i en Ciències de Catalunya and the Generalitat de Catalunya. They will be introduced during a keynote talk by IBEC director Josep Samitier – who is also a member of the external advisory board of NanOpinion – entitled “Saps què li diu un àtom a un altre?: hola, nano” at IEC on Thursday 7th November.

IBEC PhD student Teresa Galán will give a short introduction on nanotechnology and then run one of the experiments in the workshops, which are entitled “Com apropar la recerca en nanotecnologia a l’aula” on Friday and Saturday at Cosmocaixa. As well as demonstrating lab experiments on nanofilms and controlled drug delivery that the teachers can take back to the classroom, the workshops will include a session on multimedia resources, which will demonstrate the educational resources available on the NanOpinion website.

“NanOpinion is designed to appeal to groups that are traditionally difficult to reach, such as people without a particular interest in or contact with science,” explains Rosina Malagrida, Head of the Unit of Public Engagement on Health Research. “The project, which has 17 partners in 11 different countries, promotes social debate using social networks as well as more traditional methods, and events such as these workshops will be held in more than 20 countries.”

The conclusions gained from monitoring public perception and educational practices in nano will serve as a reference for future projects funded under the area of Horizon 2020 that promotes “Responsible Research and Innovation” by including citizen participation.

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