Within the framework of the Project funded by FECYT, Inclusive science: attention to diversity in science education projects, IBEC presents this course in collaboration with ONCE, whose objective is to promote inclusive education in scientific dissemination activities, guaranteeing access for all children and adolescents to scientific culture, regardless of their learning needs.

The course, which offers 50 places, is organized by IBEC in collaboration with ONCE (Spanish National Organization of the Blind) through the ONCE Barcelona Educational Resource Center. Specifically, it focuses on the accessibility and usability of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) educational activities for students with visual impairment (low vision and blindness), providing tools and resources for educators to create adapted materials and ensure that all students have an enriching and meaningful learning experience.
This activity is part of the project funded by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT), Inclusive science: attention to diversity in science education projects, which aims to improve the scientific and technological education of students in elementary and secondary education and bring scientific culture closer to the classroom’s diversity. More specifically, the course is part of the first phase of this project and aims to train the work team that will later develop a series of tools and materials that will be made available to the scientific and educational community: A self-assessment tool to detect the degree of inclusiveness in science education projects, a guide of good practices for attention to diversity in science education projects and the design of two activities, one for elementary school students and another for secondary school students, that guarantee inclusion and attention to diversity.

The course is free of charge and offers two separate sessions to people working in communication and dissemination of science. The first session took place last Friday, March 10.
With the collaboration of Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología. The IBEC is part of the Unidades de Cultura Científica y de la Innovación (UCC+i) of the FECYT and has received support through the FCT-21-16935 project.