

The Nanobioengineering group is a truly multidisciplinary team composed by researchers coming from very diverse backgrounds working together in applying nanotechnology for the development of new biomedical systems and devices, mainly for diagnostic purposes, and integrated microfluidic Organ-on-Chip devices for the study of organ physiology, disease etiology, or drug screening.

The goal is to fabricate microsystems containing living cells that recapitulate tissue and organ level functions in vitro and new portable diagnosis devices that can be used as Point-of-Care systems.

The main research activities of the group include the engineering and biochemical functionalization of biomaterials integrated with microfluidics systems. The bioengineered microdevices are used to study cell responses to biomolecular compounds applied to Organ-on-Chip devices, or for the development of new lab-on-a-chip based biosensors.

The projects carried out by the group are focused on clinical and industrial problems and are related to three convergent research lines:

1. Biosensors and Lab-on-a-Chip devices for clinical diagnosis and monitoring
  • DNA sensors-arrays integrated in lab-on-a-chip for portable point of care diagnosis
  • Vascular implantable sensors for circular cancer biomarker detection.
  • Antibody-based sensors for pathogenic microorganisms’ detection and neurodegenerative early detection
  • Implantable physiological sensors-array for tissue in vivo hypoxia and ischemia monitoring.
  • 3D printing microfluidic technology.
  • Microfluidic chip using hydrodynamic forces for cell counting and sorting. Application for detection of circulating tumours cells (CTCs).
2. Nanotechnology applied to biomolecule interaction studies and micro/nano-environments for regenerative medicine applications
  • Development of bioengineered 2D and 3D micro/nanoenvironments with a topography and chemical composition controlled at the nanoscale for cell behavior studies (adhesion, proliferation, differentiation). Application to musculoskeletal system regeneration.
  • Biophysical description of cellular phenomena (adhesion, cell migration, differentiation) using micro/nanotechnologies, cell biology tools and soft matter physics.
  • Study of biological mechanisms at single molecule level.
  • Study of magnetite nanoparticles – Amyloid-Beta interaction in Alzheimer disease.
3. Microfluidic systems for biological studies and Organ-on-Chip devices
  • Microfluidic chip for blood/plasma filtering and anemia diseases characterization
  • Spleen-on-a-chip development.
  • Nanoporous-based systems for kidney-on–a-chip developments.
  • Engineering microfluidic platforms for neurobiological studies.
  • Development of 3D neuromuscular tissue models for soft robotics and clinical applications
  • Microfluidic system to monitor cancer therapy response. Tumor Cancer on a chip in vitro development.
  • Microfluidic vessel on-a-chip for screening drug delivery systems.



BASE3D (2019-2022)RIS3CAT Tecnologies EmergentsJosep Samitier
PREMED Desarrollo de un ensayo microfluídico funcional en células para el tratamiento personalizado contra el cáncer (2019-2022)MICIU: Retos investigaciónJoan Montero
Sistema microfisiológico para mimetizar las barreras hemato-sistema nervioso central: aplicación a la esclerosis lateral amiotrófica (2019-2022)MICIU: Retos investigaciónAnna Lagunas
BATMAN Nanopartículas biomiméticas para el tratamiento dirigido del neuroblastoma pediátrico (2021-2023)MICIU, Retos investigación: Proyectos I+D. Aranzazu Villasante
Neuroblastoma en un chip para investigar la resistencia a fármacos y el uso de nanopartículas terapéuticas (2018-2022)Asociación Española contra el Cáncer (AECC)Aranzazu Villasante
Evaluación Funcional de respuesta celular a la quimioterapia neoadyuvante en Sarcoma de tejido blando (2021-2024)Fundación Mari Paz Jiménez Casado (FMPJC), Beca Trienal FMPJC Investigación SarcomasJoan Montero
ASCTN-Training Training on Advanced Stem Cell Technologies in Neurology (2018-2022)European Comission Marie Curie ITNJosep Samitier
EVIDENCE Erythrocytes properties and viability in dependence of flow and extra-cellular environment (2020-2023)European Comission Marie Curie ITNJosep Samitier
PANDORA Pandemics Outbreaks Rationalized: towards a universal therapy to eliminate intracellular pathogens (2020-2025)European Commission, ERC – StG Josep Samitier
BEST Postdoctoral Programme in Bioengineering Excellence Scientific Training (2017-2022)European Commission, COFUND – Marie Sklodowska-Curie Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes Josep Samitier
SCIFI From Scientists to Innovators for Industry (2022-2024)EIT Health, EITHealth BP2022 Education Josep Samitier
Descubrimiento de nuevos marcadores terapéuticos en neuroblastoma mediante la generación de modelos basados en técnicas de ingeniería de cáncer (2021-2023)Associació pacients NENJosep Samitier /Aranzazu Villasante
Understanding and measuring mechanical tumor properties to improve cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survival: Application to liquid biòpsies (2017-2022)Obra Social La CaixaJosep Samitier
BCNatal Artificial Placenta Project (2021-2022)Obra Social La CaixaMaria José López
Descubrimiento de nuevos marcadores terapéuticos en neuroblastoma mediante la generación de modelos basados en técnicas de ingeniería de cáncer (2021-2023)Associació pacients NENAranzazu Villasante
Personalizing pediatric cancer treatment with kinome analyses, cell-based funcional assays and microfluidics (2017-2021)CELLEXJosep Samitier / Joan Montero
ISCHEMSURG Miniaturized electrochemical sensor for monitoring of free flap ischemia in post-surgery (2019-2021)AGAURJosep Samitier
Joint Programme – Healthy Ageing (2016)Obra Social “La Caixa”Josep Samitier
PLANTOID Innovative Robotic Artefacts Inspired by Plant Roots for Soil MonitoringICTJosep Samitier
Universal diagnostic platforms based on oligonucleotide cofidied nanoparticles and DNA microarray sensor devicesMINECO, I+D-Investigación fundamental no orientadaJosep Samitier
ELECTRA-G (2014-2016)Conveni GENOMICA S.A.U.Josep Samitier
Desarrollo de una nueva tecnología lab-on-a-chip para la detección y cuantificación de secuencias de ADN/ARN (2014-2016)Conveni GENOMICA S.A.U.Josep Samitier
BIOBOT Engineered biological soft robots based on neuro-muscular junction control (2015-2018)MINECO, Proyectos EXPLORA Ciencia / Tecnología 2015Josep Samitier
Advancecat Acceleradora pel desenvolupament de teràpies avançades
ACCIÓ / Smart Specialization funds (RIS3)Josep Samitier
MINDS Plataforma MIcrofluídica 3D de cultivo Neuronal compartimentada para el estuDio de enfermedades neurológicaS (2016-2018)MINECO, Proyectos I+D ExcelenciaJosep Samitier
nanoET-leukemia Nanoconductance of electron transfer proteins of the respiratory chain. Direct measurementat the single molecular level and therapeutic regulation in cancer stem cells (2015-2018)MINECO, Proyectos RETOS 2015 / CIBERAnna Lagunas / Marina Giannotti
Desenvolupar un sistema d’assistència robòtica per medicina i cirurgia fetal (2016-2019)CELLEXJosep Samitier
Monitoring neurocognitive deficits in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases using saliva or blood-derived biomarkers and a multiplexed approach (2016-2018)Obra Social “La Caixa”Josep Samitier
ISCHEMSURG Miniaturized electrochemical sensor for monitoring of free flap ischemia in post-surgery (2019-2020)CaixaImpulseMonica Mir
Personalizing Melanoma Treatment Using Dynamic BH3 Profiling (2018-2020)Dana-Farber Cancer InstitutJoan Montero
NANOVAX Nanovacunas diseñadas para inmunoterapia antitumoral (2016-2020)EuroNanoMed (ERA-Net)Josep Samitier
Understanding and measuring mechanical tumor properties to improve cancer diagnosis, treatment, and survival: Application to liquid biopsies (2017-2020)Obra Social “La Caixa”Josep Samitier
Personalizing pediatric cancer treatment (2018-2020)Fundación FEROJoan Montero



Nanofabrication and nanomanipulation

  • 3D Printing system for microfluidic devices
  • Graphtech


  • Potentiostates
  • Optical Waveguide Lightmode Spectroscope (OWLS)
  • Atomic Force Microscope (AFM)
  • Optical Microscopes (white light/epifluorescence)
  • Electrical Impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
  • Multi-frequency Lock-in Amplifier
  • Sub-femtoamp Remote SourceMeter Instrument

Molecular/cell biology

  • Biological safety cabinet (class II)
  • Microwell plate readers
  • Protein and DNA electrophoresis systems
  • Microincubator Okolab
  • Nanodrop spectrophotometer
  • CO2 incubator for cells: Galaxy® 48 S, 48 L, 230 V/50/60 Hz, standard
  • Cell culture cabin: Bioii-Advance 3


  • High precision syringe pumps
  • Peristaltic pumps


  • Prof. Fernando Albericio
    Institut de Recerca Biomédica (IRB), Barcelona, Spain
  • Dr. José Antonio Andrades
    Universidad de Málaga, Spain
  • Prof. Ezequiel Pérez
    Inestrosa Centro Andaluz de Nanomedicina y Biotecnología (BIONAND), Málaga, Spain
  • Prof. Joan Bausells
    Centro Nacional de Microelectrónica (CNM-CSIC), Barcelona
  • Prof. Albert van den Berg
    University of Twente, The Netherlands
  • Prof. Andre Bernard
    Institut für Mikro- und Nanotechnologie (MNT-NTB), Buchs, Switzerland
  • Prof. H. Börner
    Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Golm, Germany
  • Prof. Josep Maria Canals
    University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Dr. Matthew Dalby
    University of Glasgow, UK
  • Prof. Paolo Dario
    Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna (SSSA), Pontedera, Italy
  • Prof. Ramón Eritja
    Institut de Recerca Biomédica (IRB), Barcelona, Spain
  • Prof. E. Faszewski
    Wheelock College, Boston, USA
  • Prof. G. Fuhr
    FhG Biomedicine, St. Ingbert, Germany
  • Dr. Juan C. Izpisúa
    Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California
  • Dr. Nicole Jaffrezic
    Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France
  • Dr. Graham Johnson
    Uniscan Instruments Ltd, Buxton, UK
  • Dr. Mª Pilar Marco
    Institute of Chemical and Environmental Research, Barcelona
  • Prof. Jean-Louis Marty
    Université de Perpignan Via Domitia, France
  • Prof. Barbara Mazzolai
    IIT Center for Micro-BioRobotics (CMBR), Pontedera, Italy
  • Dr. Edith Pajot
    Biology of Olfaction and Biosensors group (BOB) at INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France
  • Dr. M. Lluïssa Pérez
    Dept. Farmacología, University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Dr. Hernando del Portillo
    Centro de Investigación en Salud Internacional de Barcelona (CRESIB), Barcelona, Spain
  • Dr. Jaume Reventós
    Hospital Vall d’Hebrón, Barcelona, Spain
  • Prof. L. Reggiani
    Nanotechnology Laboratory, INFM, Lecce, Italy
  • Prof. Daniel Riveline
    Laboratory of Cell Physics ISIS/IGBMC, Strasbourg
  • Prof. M. Sampietro
    Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • Prof. Molly M. Stevens
    Imperial College, London, UK
  • Dr. Christophe Vieu
    Laboratoire d’analyse et d’architectures des systèmes (LAAS-CNRS), Toulouse, France
  • Prof. Pau Gorostiza
  • Prof. Irene Díaz Moreno
    3IIQ-cicCartuja, Universidad de Sevilla-CSIC, Spain
  • Prof. Miguel A. de la Rosa
    3IIQ-cicCartuja, Universidad de Sevilla-CSIC, Spain
  • Dr. María del Mar Mañú Pereira
    Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute, Barcelona, Spain
  • Dr. Joan Lluis Vives
    Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute, Barcelona, Spain

Industry partners:

  • Biokit S.A. (Werfen group); Genomica S.A.U. (Zeltia group); Tallers Fiestas S.L.; Enantia S.L.; Microfluidic ChipShop GmbH; Minifab; Microliquid


The NanoBio&Med 2023 International Conference, held last week at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) from November 21 to 23, has marked a milestone by presenting the latest developments in the … Read more

The NanoBio&Med 2023 International Conference: Exploring Advances in Nanobiotechnology and Nanomedicine 

The NanoBio&Med 2023 International Conference, held last week at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) from November 21 to 23, has marked a milestone by presenting the latest developments in the … Read more

Last Friday, the conference took place in Barcelona, bringing together over 100 attendees from the biomedical research field in Spain. Representatives from the Department of Health and Research and Universities of the Catalan Government were also present.

IBEC organized the conference “The Future of Personalized Medicine” as part of the Complementary Plan for Biotechnology Applied to Health

Last Friday, the conference took place in Barcelona, bringing together over 100 attendees from the biomedical research field in Spain. Representatives from the Department of Health and Research and Universities of the Catalan Government were also present.

IBEC showcases its technological capabilities to foster new partnerships at BIOSPAIN. IBEC representatives actively participated in the BIOSPAIN conference, seizing the opportunity to highlight the institute’s advancements in science and technology. Over the three days of the event, they presented various aspects, ranging from basic research to the coordination of state plans and technology transfer conducted at IBEC. BIOSPAIN, a premier congress in Europe, brings together more than 850 innovative entities specializing in health, sustainable agri-food practices, and solutions against climate change.

IBEC showcases its technological capabilities to foster new partnerships at BIOSPAIN

IBEC showcases its technological capabilities to foster new partnerships at BIOSPAIN. IBEC representatives actively participated in the BIOSPAIN conference, seizing the opportunity to highlight the institute’s advancements in science and technology. Over the three days of the event, they presented various aspects, ranging from basic research to the coordination of state plans and technology transfer conducted at IBEC. BIOSPAIN, a premier congress in Europe, brings together more than 850 innovative entities specializing in health, sustainable agri-food practices, and solutions against climate change.

Researchers from the IBEC and the University of Barcelona (UB) have identified new biomarkers for non-small cell lung cancer, the most common lung cancer. The results, published in the journal Modern … Read more
From left to right: Marselina Arshakyan (co-first author of the study), Rafael Ikemori, Paula Duch, Jordi Alcaraz and Marta Gabasa.

Researchers identify new biomarkers of the most frequent lung cancer

Researchers from the IBEC and the University of Barcelona (UB) have identified new biomarkers for non-small cell lung cancer, the most common lung cancer. The results, published in the journal Modern … Read more

The XV Annual Conference of Biomedical Research Technology Platforms, in which Josep Samitier took part, is in the media because of the great revolution that biomedical research is undergoing thanks to new knowledge at the tissue, cellular and genomic levels.

Challenges and opportunities in biomedical research in the media

The XV Annual Conference of Biomedical Research Technology Platforms, in which Josep Samitier took part, is in the media because of the great revolution that biomedical research is undergoing thanks to new knowledge at the tissue, cellular and genomic levels.

The 15th Annual Conference of Biomedical Research Technology Platforms was held yesterday and, with more than 700 participants, it has become the reference forum for analyzing the main challenges and opportunities facing Spain in biomedical research. The event, which was attended by Josep Samitier, director of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and scientific coordinator of the Nanomed Spain platform, brought together representatives of the Administration, regulatory agencies, universities and companies, as well as clinical researchers and patients.

Challenges and opportunities in biomedical research

The 15th Annual Conference of Biomedical Research Technology Platforms was held yesterday and, with more than 700 participants, it has become the reference forum for analyzing the main challenges and opportunities facing Spain in biomedical research. The event, which was attended by Josep Samitier, director of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and scientific coordinator of the Nanomed Spain platform, brought together representatives of the Administration, regulatory agencies, universities and companies, as well as clinical researchers and patients.

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