~ The primary aim of introducing the term was to avoid unquestioningly subsuming biotechnological products under nature and equating nature with life. Biofacts show the traces of culture and technology. … Read more
~ The primary aim of introducing the term was to avoid unquestioningly subsuming biotechnological products under nature and equating nature with life. Biofacts show the traces of culture and technology. … Read more
The following weeks I´m gonna share my research and working process with you. In case you are interested to meet me hang around or share thoughts, write me a pm!
An installation featured in the exhibition “A=A, B=B” at the Antoni Tàpies Foundation will provide live access to the laboratories of IBEC. A window from which visitors will have the opportunity to see how researchers carry out their research projects, as if it were a genuine performance of scientific innovation.
This week the exhibition “Human Landscapes Laboratory” was inaugurated, which is the result of the creative process carried out by the illustrator Roser Cussó during her artistic research stay at … Read more
During one day I carried out two workshops with scientists from IBEC. We followed the same steps as in my artistic research. The concepts worked with the scientists will serve to expand the vocabulary of the artistic look in order to find new solutions on the scientific material.
Small organisms inhabit laboratory cultures. Unique structures that walk in their habitats without knowing that they are being observed. Their life expectancy can vary within the laboratory (hours or days) but in this image they are embodied for eternity.
Artistic research advances and becomes a look that awakens speculative worlds, the vast majority artificially created in laboratories and on a micro scale. In my laboratory I also work in a small format, at the moment, in each paper I concentrate variations of the same starting point. Shapes and colors in different positions become views of the same space.
After numerous meetings with researchers to learn about their work and objects of study, the stage of artistic research begins. This phase is nourished by the meetings, conversations and analysis of the material related to the scientists’ research areas.
On Wednesday 19th October I attended the 15th IBEC Bioengineering Symposium. It was a good opportunity to meet many people with whom we have met virtually and with whom we have pending meetings. Many of the presentations revealed to me many projects still unknown to me at IBEC. It was the moment to decide to narrow the study frame of the fieldwork and to be aware that I cannot get to know all the research groups in depth. Research must be prioritized.
The number of meetings with scientists is increasing. Right now, good orientation is very necessary to find the labs and offices of the research groups in the long corridors of the IBEC. It’s time to familiarize myself with the specific scientific vocabulary of each group and understand the work processes they use.