IBEC’s science on show

IBEC is taking part in this year’s Festival Ciència, Tecnologia i Innovació – formerly known as the Festa de la Ciència – with several activities during the ‘Festa al Parc’ part on 14th-15th June.

From 11:00 each day, Elisabet Martí from the Nanomalaria group and Rosa Letizia Zaffino from Nanobioengineering will be teaming up with IrsiCaixa, coordinators of the EU project NanOpinion, to man the Mobile Station (pictured left) in the Espai Glorieta of the Parc de la Ciutadella.

Building bridges with business

There’s nothing like sitting down with a relaxing café con leche while you’re networking. And that’s exactly what IBEC representatives did this afternoon when, together with the IRB, they took part in the inaugural event of the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI)’s ‘Café amb la Recerca’ initiative, which was held at IBEC.

Researchers uncover a fundamental mechanism in breast cancer

A study by IBEC researchers reveals in Nature Materials how mammary cells detect tissue stiffening, which is key to the development of breast cancer

Achieving control of tissue stiffness could open a new avenue to treat tumours like those in the breast

Abnormally rigid tissues are also found in several other types of cancer, so the newly revealed mechanism could be a key aspect behind the onset of various diseases