First BBVA-funded outreach event a great success

Residents of Barcelona’s Sant Antoni district learnt all about robotics yesterday evening at ‘Ens envaeixen els robots!’, a talk given by the Robotic’s group’s Xavier Giralt at the Biblioteca Sant Antoni-Joan Oliver.

IBEC research on a journal cover again

The October cover of Current Opinion in Cell Biology (the reference opinion journal in cell biology, with impact factor 12) features research by IBEC’s Pere Roca and Xavier Trepat, who together with Raimon Sunyer from the UB have published a review paper in the issue, “Mechanical guidance of cell migration: lessons from chemotaxis”.

Engineering biomaterials at the nanoscale

IBEC researchers have come up with a groundbreaking new approach to create a tough, biodegradable, bioactive and entirely new material, heralding a major milestone in the production of artificial matrices for tissue engineering.

In a letter published today in the Royal Society journal Interface, the Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies group describes a new, easy and cheap method for producing glass-coated fibrous scaffolds which not only faithfully mimic the extracellular matrix of bone, but also aim to direct stem cell fate through physical and chemical interactions.