Institutional news
Industry/research collaboration leads to fast-track for eye therapy
Last Tuesday, within the framework of the Biomedical Research Networking Center in Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER- BBN), IBEC signed an agreement with pharmaceutical company Ferrer and the universities of Valladolid and the Basque Country to work towards developing a stem cell-based therapy to regenerate the surface of the eye.
New NanoMed Spain document remembers late founder
Yesterday saw the launch in Madrid of a new NanoMed Spain publication, ‘Hoja por la Innovación en Nanomedicina en España’ (White Paper on Innovation in Nanomedicine in Spain), which diagnoses the country’s R&D&I capacities in the field so far and presents the potential opportunities, challenges and recommendations for the future.
IBEC takes part in Connect-EU day
At the end of September representatives from IBEC, which coordinates and manages the Connect-EU Nanobio+Nanomed group, participated in the Connect-EU conference at Barcelona’s World Trade Centre.
Start of the first IBEC Junior Group Leaders
This month, the three candidates selected by the Scientific Advisory Board for IBEC’s new Tenure Track scheme started in their new capacity as Junior Group Leaders.
Positive review for MySpine
The IBEC-coordinated European project MySpine, which reached its midpoint at the end of August, received a positive appraisal at its first Annual Review in Brussels in June.
Anglo-Catalan relations: a united front on nanotech
Britain and Catalonia may not agree about everything, especially when it comes to football, but one area in which they demonstrate a united front is nanotechnology. The UK is one of the three leading countries in the world for health-related nanotechnology, while in Catalonia, nanobiomedicine has become a particular research strength, with Barcelona the second city in the world with more scientific publications on the subject after Boston.
Advanced Summer School in full flow
18 young researchers from all over Europe have been learning new skills yesterday and today in the lab sessions part of the second “Interrogations at the Biointerface” Advanced Summer School, hosted by IBEC.
Fifth IBEC symposium a great success
This Monday saw IBEC celebrate the milestone of its fifth annual symposium on Bioengineering and Nanomedicine.