Experts aim to promote biomedical research

Josep Samitier, Teresa Sanchis and Nuria Montserrat highlight the advances made in nanomedicine and bioengineering for health in the XIV Annual Conference of Biomedical Research Technology Platforms, and support the voices that recommend increasing resources for the entire sector of basic and clinical research.

Fighting an opportunistic bacteria and its partners in crime

Eduard Torrents and Maria del Mar Cendra, postdoctoral researcher in his laboratory, have published a review in the journal Biotechnology Advances, where they describe the way in which P. aeruginosa forms biofilms, in which it can coexist with other species of microorganisms and its negative impact on global health.

Is a fast, reliable and cheap malaria test possible?

Researchers from the nanomalaria group of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and the Institute for Global Health of Barcelona (ISGlobal) appear in the Big Vang section of La Vanguardia for the project promoted by the ‘la Caixa’ Foundation to develop a new fast, reliable and cost-effective malaria screening test.

Nanorobots hit the media

A team of researchers led by Samuel Sánchez from IBEC appear in different media for the study published in the prestigious journal Science Robotics, where for the first time they have monitored the behavior of millions of nanorobots inside the bladder of living mice.

Researchers 4.0

Fourteen engineers, mathematicians, biologists and robotics experts warn of the need to break stereotypes and increase the presence of women in the STEM sector, which today generates the most employment.