“Benvinguts a la medicina del futur”

An article about future medicine – including IBEC’s research into organ-on-a-chip, nanoparticles for drug delivery and light controlled drugs – appeared in the February edition of Theknos, the magazine of the Col·legi d’Enginyers Graduats i Enginyers Tècnics Industrials de Barcelona.

“Un músculo en un chip”

Javier Ramon’s ‘muscle-on-a-chip’ that will use a patient’s own cells to study Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1), the most common form of muscular dystrophy, is the subject of an article in El Periodico today.

“A Short (Hi)story of Malaria”

Nanomalaria joint unit group leader Xavier Fernàndez-Busquets is the author of a serialised post on Health ISGlobal, the blog of the Barcelona Institute for Global Health.

Què Qui Com: “Menudes teràpies”

In the Què Qui Com program that aired yesterday on Canal 33, Samuel Sánchez, ICREA research professor at IBEC, explained the work being done in his group to develop nanorobots that can release drugs in a controlled manner.

During the interview, Samuel explained why it is important to design effective methods to ensure the drug affects a specific target, and what challenges they face in designing nanorobots with this function.