“Pioneers” Award for research and potential application of biorobots

The researcher Rafael Mestre wins the CERCA 2021 Pioneer Award for his doctoral thesis on the development and application of bioacoustics biorobots based on muscle tissue, and the improvement of its manufacture using 3D printing technologies. The jury considered that the project, carried out under the supervision of ICREA Professor at IBEC, Samuel Sánchez, could have a great impact and applications, in various fields, such as regenerative medicine.

IBECer Laura Gómez wins photo contest 

Laura Gómez Rubio, member of Core Facilities Unit at IBEC, has won the photo contest “One day at Parc”, organized by the Barcelona Science Parc (PCB), with a picture called “When you do what you love, your dreams come true”.

Researcher Xavier Trepat wins the “Constantes y Vitales” award for his pioneering contributions to the mechanobiology field

The ICREA Research Professor at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), Xavier Trepat, has been awarded with the “Constantes y Vitales” Award for Talent in Biomedical Research, awarded by the Atresmedia group, for his contributions to the field known as mechanobiology, that studies the effect of physical forces on living systems and their implication in pathologies such as cancer.

The Catalan Association for Parkinson’s visits IBEC

On November 18th, members of the Catalan Association for Parkinson’s visited the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) to see, first-hand, the work of Silvia Muro and her research group, which use nanotechnology to find solutions to this disease. Professor Muro’s work has been supported, among others, by donations received through the IBEC “Faster Future” program.

The Pioneer in Supramolecular Biomaterials, Sam Stupp, joins IBEC as Severo Ochoa Distinguished Professor

Professor Samuel I. Stupp from the Northwestern University, in USA, joined last November 1st the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) as a Visiting Severo Ochoa Research Distinguished Professor. Stupp is a pioneer demonstrating how supramolecular biomaterials can be used to regenerate neural, vascular, and musculoskeletal tissues such as the spinal cord, cartilage, bone, blood vessels, or muscles.


IBEC’s Director receives the Narcís Monturiol Medal for his contributions to science and technology

The Catalan Government awarded yesterday the Narcís Monturiol Medal for scientific and technological merit to the Director of the IBEC, Josep Samitier i Martí, for his contributions to the development of the Catalan system of science and technology. During his speech on behalf of all winners, Samitier reminded us the need to strenghten the support to science and technological efforts.

14th IBEC Symposium brings international experts and 300 attendees together

International experts and three hundred registered attendees met in the 14th IBEC Symposium, dedicated to regenerative therapies. Organised by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), speakers presented the latest advances in mini-organs, organs on a chip, 3D bioprinting and tissue engineering, among others.

Vitala is born, a spin-off of IBEC that offers innovative and more ethical solutions for health research

Vitala Technologies, a biotechnology-based company born in the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), will offer innovative solutions for the analysis of drugs during their development, as well as the possibility to know in advance and in a personalized way, what will be the response of a patient to a certain treatment.