Pere Roca-Cusachs receives ICREA Acadèmia program distinction for the second time

IBEC researcher Pere Roca-Cusachs has been awarded the “ICREA Academia” distinction by the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies (ICREA). The leader of IBEC’s Cellular and Molecular Mechanobiology group received the award in the Life & Medical Sciences category.

IBEC and ICMS reunite once more at their Annual Collaborative Symposium

Today, on March 14th, the joint ICMS-IBEC symposium took place. This event was co-organized by IBEC and the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS). Throughout the conference, researchers from both IBEC and ICMS presented their areas of research, aiming to enhance the scientific collaboration between the two institutions.

IBEC and AEFAT join forces against ataxia telangiectasia

Today, the event “Advances in Ataxia Telangiectasia” took place, organized by the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in collaboration with AEFAT, the Spanish ataxia-telangiectasia family association. The gathering brought together patients’ families, researchers, and clinicians to explore the latest advancements in the clinical management of ataxia telangiectasia.

Nanomedicine to tackle rare diseases

Experts in nanomedicine from various fields have gathered today for the fifth consecutive year at Nano Rare Diseases Day. This event is co-organized by the NANOMED Spain platform, coordinated by IBEC, and SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital, showcasing the latest advances in nanomedicine for the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases.

IBEC Drives Dialogue on Innovations in Personalized Medicine and Emerging Therapies at Barcelona Health Innovation Week

Today, on February 14, IBEC organized the roundtable “Challenges in Innovation in Personalized Medicine and Emerging Therapies.” The event is part of Barcelona Health Innovation Week, organized by Biocat. It fostered a dialogue where experts from diverse fields shared their perspectives on identifying opportunities to propel the utilization of new technologies in the healthcare sector.