It’s Pere’s round at Pint of Science
Junior group leader Pere-Roca Cusachs is set to take part in the second Pint of Science event next week, a science festival that will take place simultaneously in a dozen countries all over the world. In its own words, Pint of Science aims to “bring some of the most brilliant scientists to your local pub to discuss their latest research and findings with you”.
At 20:00 on Monday 23rd May Pere will giving his talk, “Mecanobiologia: quan amb química no n’hi ha prou”, at Bacanal Café on c/Sepúlveda 164, as patrons enjoy a pint – or, more likely, a caña. He will share the evening with Salvador Aznar Benitah (ICREA -IRB), who will be talking about “Células madre, relojes biológicos y envejecimiento”. Other scientists taking part in the three-day event this year – which will take place at several venues including the Michael Collins pub, Mau Mau and the BlackLab Brewhouse – include researchers from ICFO, ISGlobal, the UB and the UPC.