An international study co-led by IBEC identifies the genes that protect against kidney diseases

Researchers from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), led by Dr. Nuria Montserrat, in collaboration with international researchers, have identified the genes that could protect the kidney from chronic damage. The identification was carried out using mini-kidneys created from human stem cells and generated in the laboratory using bioengineering techniques. 

An IBEC project on COVID-19 receives funding from “Fundación BBVA”

Nuria Montserrat and her research team at IBEC, receive funding from “Fundación BBVA” to lead a research project on COVID-19. Montserat’s project is one of the 20 projects selected from among almost 1,000 proposals submitted to the call, which will receive a total of 2.7 million euros. The twenty projects selected to stop the coronavirus outbreak involve more than 400 researchers, who will approach the mechanisms of infection, diagnosis and treatment of this disease from different angles. The psychosocial and economic impact derived from the pandemic will also be studied.

Bioengineering to fight Covid-19

Yesterday took place the kick-off meeting of the european project MAD-CoV 2, in which participates the group led by ICREA Research Professor Núria Montserrat at IBEC.

Under the name of “Modern approaches for developing antivirals against SARS-CoV 2” (MAD-CoV 2) the project focuses on the development and delivery of therapeutic tools for the current COVID-19 outbreak.

IBEC receives funding from Carlos III Health Institute to fight COVID-19 using bioengineering

The COVID-19 Fund managed by the Carlos III Health Institute has awarded more than 300,000 euros to the “ACE2-ORG” project led by ICREA research professor Núria Montserrat at IBEC.

The resources are intended to study COVID-19 and specify new therapeutic approaches against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Hospital Clínic de Barcelona and the University of Navarra also participate in this project.

IBEC supports the EU initiative “Coronavirus Global Response”

The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) supports the EU initiative to pledge funds for collaborative development of solutions against COVID19. Carmen Hurtado, from the Group of ICREA Professor Núria Montserrat at IBEC contributes to spread the word of “Coronavirus Global Response” initiative in a video for the European Commission.

The European Union and its partners are hosting an international pledging marathon that started last Monday 4 May 2020 and will be running until the end of May 2020.

Researchers at IBEC help identifying a drug in clinical phase that blocks the effects of SARS-Co-V2

IBEC researchers led by ICREA Research Professor Núria Montserrat, together with international collaborators, have identified a drug capable of blocking the effects of the SARS-Co-V2 virus, the origin of the Coronavirus 2019 disease.

The treatment, which can be tested on two hundred Covid-19 patients as of today, has proven effective in mini-kidneys generated from human stem cells. Using hese organoids generated by bioengineering techniques, it has been deciphered how SARS-Co-V2 interacts and infects human kidney cells.