Great success of the 13th IBEC Symposium

The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) organized from the 27th to the 28th October its 13th Symposium. The event, that this year took place for the first time online, was focused on Bioengineering for Future & Precision Medicine. With more than 400 registered attendees, 18 flash presentations and 106 posters, the event also counted with contributions from top international speakers such as Robert Langer from the MIT, Ada Cavalcanti of the University of Heidelberg or Raquel Yotti, Director of the Carlos III Health Institute, among others.

New method could help to find the best treatment for a pediatric cancer

A study led by IBEC researchers from the Nanobioengineering group, uses a functional predictive biomarker to anticipate the effect of treatments against rhabdomyosarcoma, the most common soft-tissue cancer affecting childhood and adolescence.

This advance can help in predicting treatment efficiency thus, avoiding tumor resistance and decreasing undesired secondary effects.