Núria Montserrat en “El País con tu futuro”

Núria Montserrat, investigadora principal del grupo “Pluripotencia para la regeneración de órganos” dio una inspiradora charla ayer sobre bioingeniería y regeneración de órganos, ante más de 1500 estudiantes de bachillerato. Durante su charla explicó como des de pequeña era una niña muy curiosa, quería entender como funcionaban las cosas que la rodeaban y en cómo se inspira en la naturaleza para realizar su trabajo.

Josep Samitier and Núria Montserrat at the “Engineering and Manufacture of Living Systems” workshop in China

Last 9-11th of October took place in Beijing the workshop on “Engineering and Manufacture of Living Systems”. The aim of the workshop was to bring together multi-disciplinary researchers to review the latest advances and discuss the future directions in the design and manufacture of engineered living systems, and their integration amongst the researchers gathered at this international workshop.

The major topics discussed during the workshop were: to consider issues related to translation of engineered living systems from the laboratory to the clinic and to industry, review enabling and emerging techniques for using pluripotent cells from various sources such as cell spheroids, organoids and organs-on-a-chip, discuss the ethical, societal and regulatory issues associated with the development and manufacture of engineered living systems and envision future research, development and synergies at the integration and interface of biomanufacturing and engineering living systems amongst others. The meeting was organised by Tsinghua University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Núria Montserrat represents the european research council at the world economic forum in China

The researcher Núria Montserrat accompanies the president of the European Research Council (ERC) together with a selection of the best European researchers, at the Summer Davos annual Meeting, organised by the World Economic Forum (WEF). She has participated in several forums about how to work on more prosperous future and she explained how the research in organ regeneration that she is currently undertaking at IBEC can help in the fight against cancer.

The Annual Meeting of the New Champions (AMNC) also known as Summer Davos, is one of the events that brings together the brightest minds on the planet to discuss issues related to scientific research, leadership, and innovation. On this occasion, the forum was from 1 to 3 July and was held in the Chinese city of Dailan with the participation of the European delegation composed of its president, the mathematician Jean-Pierre Bourguignon and ten of the most outstanding European scientists.

Organoids to study ataxia telangiectasia

Núria Montserrat Pulido, principal investigator at IBEC, will lead a project to study Ataxia telangiectasia thanks to funding from AEFAT, the Spanish ataxia-telangiectasia family association. The idea of the project is to obtain cells with the patient mutations, develop organoids, explore the possibility of gene editing processes for different mutations and create a platform for drug testing.