Maria’s life in 20.000 frames
Did you know that in order to obtain a regular super-resolution image at STORM you have to acquire 20.000 frames? You can spot Maria and her white headphones walking … Read more
Did you know that in order to obtain a regular super-resolution image at STORM you have to acquire 20.000 frames? You can spot Maria and her white headphones walking … Read more
The highly sought-after ERC Consolidator grants are awarded to EU-based principal investigators with at least seven and up to twelve years of experience after his PhD who have demonstrated talent and scientific potential.
The project falls under the scope of EuroNanoMed3 programme, and the consortium will receive a total of 747.000 € through the corresponding national funding agencies of the countries involved. In particular, the “Agencia Estatal de Investigación” (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades) will fund IBEC’s contribution with 190.000 €.
During his acceptance speech, Badia noted that IBEC is accredited as a Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence and is dedicated to the field of bioengineering, with the objective not only to study, but to also promote the research’s application in the field of medicine, health and the improvement of people’s quality of life.