We welcome applications from international candidates from many different disciplines and at all career levels.
Ref: STT_ES // Deadline: 16/01/2023

Senior Technology Transfer and Business Development Manager (Ref.: STT_ES)
Ref: STT_ES // Deadline: 16/01/2023
Ref: PM_TA2_RM // Deadline 16/01/2023

Project Manager in Research (Ref.: PM TA2 RM)
Ref: PM_TA2_RM // Deadline 16/01/2023
Ref: PM_TA1_RM // Deadline 16/01/2023

Project Manager in Research (Ref.: PM_TA1_RM)
Ref: PM_TA1_RM // Deadline 16/01/2023
Ref: LT_IO // Deadline 16/01/2023

Laboratory Technician at the Core Facilities Unit (Ref : LT_IO)
Ref: LT_IO // Deadline 16/01/2023
Ref: PM_STI // Deadline: 16/01/2023

Project Manager of Strategic Initiatives (Ref.: PM_STI)
Ref: PM_STI // Deadline: 16/01/2023
Ref: PM2-NM // Deadline: 18/03/2024

Junior Project Manager at the Plataforma ISCIII Biobancos y Biomodelos (Ref.: PM2-NM)
Ref: PM2-NM // Deadline: 18/03/2024
Ref: PM1 // Deadline: 18/03/2023

Project Manager at Plataforma ISCIII Biobancos y Biomodelos (Ref.: PM1-NM)
Ref: PM1 // Deadline: 18/03/2023
Ref: EO-COM / Deadline: 22/12/2022

Events and Communications Officer
Ref: EO-COM / Deadline: 22/12/2022
Ref: 2PM_RM / Deadline: December 16

Project Manager in Research (2 positions)
Ref: 2PM_RM / Deadline: December 16
Ref: HRO_2 / Deadline: 23/12/2022

People Administration Officer (2 positions)
Ref: HRO_2 / Deadline: 23/12/2022
Project Managers Coordinator / Deadline October 28th

Project Managers Coordinator
Project Managers Coordinator / Deadline October 28th
Ref:. CMM-IO / Fins el 9 de Setembre

Ref:. CMM-IO / Fins el 9 de Setembre
Ref: PA_CM // Deadline: 19/08/2022

People Administrative Officer als serveis de Suport
Ref: PA_CM // Deadline: 19/08/2022
Ref: COM Officer_DB // Deadline: 27/06/2022

Communication Officer
Ref: COM Officer_DB // Deadline: 27/06/2022