IBEC researchers are part of the European ATTRACT Project to develop a diagnostic device to improve embryo selection for in vitro fertilization procedures

HYLIGHT Project, coordinated by Samuel Ojosnegros from IBEC, was selected by the ATTRACT Phase 2, an initiative of the European Union to boost the transfer of deep technology with great potential to transfer from the laboratories to the society. The project was financed with around 2M euros for 26 months and aims to develop a diagnostic device to select embryos based on their metabolic profiles and increase the success rates of in vitro fertilization techniques.

El IBEC recibe cerca de un millón de euros para estudiar las enfermedades respiratorias graves causadas por virus

El projecto REACT, liderado por el Statens Serum Institut de Dinamarca, cuenta con la participación del Instituto de Bioingeniería de Cataluña (IBEC) que, con un presupuesto cercano al millón de euros de un total de siete, generará organoides epiteliales nasales humanos específicos como plataformas de validación y modelos preclínicos para investigar la interacción huésped-patógeno .

The Complementary Plan for Biotechnology applied to Health launches the call for applications for grants for Collaborative Projects in Catalonia

The call for applications for grants for Collaborative Projects in Catalonia opens today and will remain open until September 15. These grants aim to promote scientific and technical research activities focused on personalized medicine that contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Complementary Plan for Biotechnology in Catalonia.

IBEC joins EBRAINS: an international platform to support brain research

IBEC is the newest associate member from EBRAINS, an International not-for-profit association born at Human Brain Project (HBP), with, by, and for researchers. Its purpose is to create and coordinate an international infrastructure to promote brain research, providing digital tools and services as software, hardware, consultancy, and facilities to support researchers to face challenges in brain research and brain-inspired technology development.