Núria Montserrat represents the european research council at the world economic forum in China

The researcher Núria Montserrat accompanies the president of the European Research Council (ERC) together with a selection of the best European researchers, at the Summer Davos annual Meeting, organised by the World Economic Forum (WEF). She has participated in several forums about how to work on more prosperous future and she explained how the research in organ regeneration that she is currently undertaking at IBEC can help in the fight against cancer.

The Annual Meeting of the New Champions (AMNC) also known as Summer Davos, is one of the events that brings together the brightest minds on the planet to discuss issues related to scientific research, leadership, and innovation. On this occasion, the forum was from 1 to 3 July and was held in the Chinese city of Dailan with the participation of the European delegation composed of its president, the mathematician Jean-Pierre Bourguignon and ten of the most outstanding European scientists.

IBEC researchers lead a European project to develop a high resolution 3D bioprinting technology

A group of experts at Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) lead the European project BRIGHTER (Bioprinting by light-sheet lithography: engineering complex tissues with high resolution at high speed), an initiative to develop an innovative and high resolution 3D bioprinting technology able to produce functional tissues.

Santiago Marco is the new vice-president of the International Society for Olfaction and Chemical Sensing

Santiago Marco, group leader of the Signal and information processing for sensing systems research group at IBEC has recently been appointed vice-president for the next two years of the International Society for Olfaction and Chemical Sensing (ISOCS) during the general assembly held at the International Symposium on Olfaction and Electronic Nose Conference (ISOEN) in ACROS, Fukuoka, Japan.

The ISOCS was launched in May 2008 by the Network of Excellence General Olfaction and Sensing Projects on a European Level (GOSPEL), the EU Network of Excellence in artificial olfaction, and Santiago Marco is one of its founding partners.

IBEC welcomes three new Associated researchers

Three new Associated researchers have affiliated to IBEC this year. Professor Jordi Alcaraz joined last January and both professors Carlos Alemán and Jordi Puiggalí this past April.

Associated researchers are university professors seconded to IBEC who are working on topics that are of interest or complementary to our research areas. They participate in IBEC’s scientific strategy, academic activities and support initiatives, and have the option to submit project proposals and papers with IBEC affiliation. Recruitment is carried out according to several criteria such as scientific excellence and alignment with IBEC’s institutional strategy. Associated researchers are approved by the Scientific Advisory Board, which evaluates their performance on a regular basis.

José Antonio del Río presents the results about his research at the 20th Symposium of “La Marató de TV3”

José Antonio del Río, group leader of the Molecular and cellular neurobiotechnology group at IBEC, presented at the 20th Symposium of “La Marató de TV3”, the results of his research on neurodegenerative diseases boosted by the funds of “La Marató” in 2013.

During the event, which took place this weed at the “Institut d’Estudis Catalans”, it has been made public the results of the 79 research teams that have carried out the 44 financed projects by the 2013 edition of this program. A set of achievements targeted to design new tools of prevention and diagnostic, as well as new therapeutic approaches to improve the quality and life expectancy of the patients that suffer a neurodegenerative disease. .

IBEC’S Nano Robots presented at the European Research Council

Research Professor Samuel Sánchez presented last March 3rd in Brussels the new generation of NanoBots and BioBots developed in his research group at Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in Barcelona.

The presentation took place during the European Research Council (ERC) Seminars. The audience was composed of scientific personnel of ERC, as well as a general audience from the European Commission.
With the title “Nanobots to 3D BioBots as future tools in robotics and medicine” Professor Sánchez presented during his seminar, fundamental aspects of catalytically powered nanoparticles -also called nanobots-, their applications in environmental remediation and also in future smart nanomedicine.

Two projects of the ATTRACT program for IBEC researchers

Santiago Marco, group leader of the Signal and Information Processing for Sensing Systems and Samuel Ojosnegros, Head of Bioengineering in Reproductive Health and have been selected for their research projects in the ATTRACT programme. The call received more than 1200 projects and only 170 proposals were selected.

The ATTRACT programme is a pioneering Horizon 2020 research and innovation project funded by the European Union and backed by a consortium of 9 partners. The main objective of this programme is to create a co-innovation ecosystem between fundamental research and industrial communities to develop breakthrough detection and imaging technologies for scientific and commercial uses.

IBEC organises the fifth reSearch4Talent open doors edition

More than fifty undergraduate and master students attended yesterday’s reSearch4Talent at IBEC, the fifth time we’ve opened our doors to young scholars interested in a scientific career.

Held in the Dolors Aleu room of the Barcelona Science Park, the event started with a welcome and presentation about the institute from IBEC’s talent and education deputy and Group Leader Elena Martínez, followed by specific information about applications and admissions from Carolina Marí Head of the HR department. To finish with the presentations, Harishankar Balakrishnan PhD at IBEC, shared his experience as doctoral student and did a brief presentation of the PhD Committee, which was set up in 2013 to enable students to have a voice in the running of the institute and to organize events of their own.

ERC President visits IBEC

The President of the European Research Council, Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, visited last May 15th the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC).

The event was inaugurated by IBEC’s Director, Josep Samitier, who presented an overview on the cutting-edge research carried out at the institute in the fields of bioengineering and nanomedicine.

Afterwards, ERC Grantees working at IBEC had the opportunity to explain the impact of ERC grants on their professional careers and established a dialogue with ERC President on the past, present and future of the European Research Council.

IBEC co-organizes the informative session “Individual Actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie 2019”

The past 14 of May was held at the Barcelona Science Park (PCB) the informative session “Individual actions Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA), call 2019 “.

The session, co-organized by the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), the European Office of FECYT and the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR), brought together more than 100 assistants between project managers and researchers. The conference, inaugurated by Professor Josep Samitier, Director of the IBEC, started with the participation of Cristina Gómez, National Contact Point of the European Office of the Ministry MICIU, and with Aïda Díaz in representation of AGAUR.