Two projects with IBEC participation selected in the MSCA call for PhD networks

IBEC will coordinate SPM4.0 and participate as a partner in ENTRY-DM, two of the projects selected in the 2023 call for PhD networks within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). Thanks to these two projects, IBEC will add three new PhD students to its staff.

IBEC opens its doors to students for the summer

As part of its commitment to promoting scientific careers, every summer IBEC welcomes students who want to enter the world of research and experience first-hand the work carried out in its laboratories. This year, 14 students spent time in 10 IBEC laboratories through programmes such as Youth and Science, Mad for Bioengineering and Batx2Lab, among others.

Over-65s share their views on bioengineering research in IBEC and FECYT project

The IMAB project aims to involve the over-65s in learning about, understanding and expressing their opinions on the latest research in bioengineering for active ageing. The initiative has been carried out in collaboration with adult education centres, community centres, associations and university extension classes. The results will now be made available to the scientific community so that they can hear the public’s opinions and perspectives on these advances.

Nanorobots capable of travelling through synovial fluid to fight arthritis

Samuel Sánchez, ICREA Research Professor at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), will lead the OrthoBots project, which focuses on the treatment of joint diseases using nanorobots. To carry out the project, Sánchez has been awarded an ERC Proof of Concept Grant, a prestigious grant from the European Research Council.

Spinal cord organoids to study treatments for paraplegia

Zaida Álvarez (IBEC)

Se trata de un proyecto centrado en la creación de un dispositivo impreso en 3D donde se cultivará un organoide de médula espinal humana para estudiar el daño medular y el posterior testeo de fármacos. La investigación, liderada por la investigadora principal del IBEC Zaida Álvarez, ha recibido financiación de la Fundación Internacional para la Investigación de la Paraplejia.

IBEC celebrates 20th anniversary of nanorobot research

The Nanomotors International Conference was held in Barcelona from 2 to 5 June. The event, organised by the Institute of Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) in collaboration with the ‘la Caixa’ Foundation, the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation, and the European Research Council (ERC), brought together the most prominent international leaders in the field of nanomotors. For three days, they learned about the latest advances in biomedical applications and the collective behaviour of self-propelled nanomotors, from both experimental and theoretical perspectives.