Observed in vivo the collective movement of nanorobots 

A team of researchers led by Samuel Sánchez from IBEC has monitored, for the first time, the behaviour of a swarm of nanorobots inside living mice. The study, published in the prestigious journal Science Robotics, reveals a coordinated movement, which could result in a very promising future in the field of precision medicine. 

IBEC researchers propose a cheaper and more ethical model for toxicological studies

A new study by IBEC’s Bacterial Infections: Antimicrobial Therapies and Molecular and cellular neurobiotechnology groups shows that Galleria mellonella larvae can be effective to test the toxicity of nanoparticles. This work thus paves the way toward a new animal model for toxicity studies that represent an inexpensive and more ethical alternative to rodent testing.

Willpower is the key to enhancing learning and memory: researchers uncover the mechanism

An international team led by the SPECS Laboratory at the IBEC has identified, for the first time in humans, the physiological mechanism responsible for the effectiveness of learning processes based on self-motivation and freedom of choice. The protagonists of this mechanism are theta-type brain waves, which regulate the ability of the human hippocampus to fix and retrieve information.

IBEC developes a software for biomarker discovering

International researchers led by Santi Marco at IBEC develop a software for biomarker discovery in samples such as urine, blood or cell extracts. AlpsNMR: An R tool for Automated spectraL Processing System for untargeted NMR-based metabolomics has been made public in the main repository for bioinformatics open software: Bioconductor

Researchers develop enzyme-powered micromotors based on metal-organic porous materials

In a new article published in the prestigious Journal of the American Chemical Society, researchers describe how they successfully designed and fabricated bubble-propelled enzymatic micromotors built from a highly porous metal-organic framework (MOF). These new micromotors might lead to applications for drug delivery, and adsorption of pollutants.

Mechanical forces, half of the alphabet to understand life

Xavier Trepat and international experts remind us in a piece published in the Journal Nature by science writer Amber Dance, the crucial role of physics in order to understand biological entities such cells and organs, both in health and disease. In words of Trepat: “Understanding a cell without physics is like trying to write a book with only half the letters of the alphabet”.

Dermoglass technology takes the leap into the pharmaceutical industry

Dermoglass becomes the first project funded by the CaixaImpulse program to be licensed to a pharmaceutical company, Laboratorios ERN. It is a new technology to tackle chronic ulcers developed by the research group “Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies” led by Dr. Elisabeth Engel at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), who is also Professor at Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).

An international study co-led by IBEC identifies the genes that protect against kidney diseases

Researchers from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), led by Dr. Nuria Montserrat, in collaboration with international researchers, have identified the genes that could protect the kidney from chronic damage. The identification was carried out using mini-kidneys created from human stem cells and generated in the laboratory using bioengineering techniques.