DAM and IBEC develop a drone that improves odor management in water treatment plants

The company Depuración de Aguas del Mediterráneo (DAM) and the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) develop a system equipped with chemical sensors that provides information, in real time, on the intensity and location of odor sources in the Waste Water Treatment Plants (WWTP). The system has been calibrated and validated under real operating conditions through several measurement campaigns at the Molina de Segura WWTP (Murcia).

New molecules allow to switch on and off neuronal circuits using light

Researchers from IBEC, in collaboration with an international team, describe the first molecules capable of regulate glycine receptors with light: Glyght and Azo-NZ1. The new molecules are a promising way to study neuronal circuits, to develop drug-based phototherapies non-invasively, and to understand neurological disorders related with the incorrect functioning of glycine receptors, as hyperekplexia, epilepsy and autism.

Towards a treatment for myotonic dystrophy: the first 3D model with patient cells

IBEC researchers led by Javier Ramón and Juan M. Fernández develop the first three-dimensional model for myotonic dystrophy, a rare disease that currently has no cure. The model combines patient cells and bioengineering techniques and represents a major advance over the use of animals and cell cultures. This new model will help in the design of personalized and more effective treatments, and for drug testing in a much more efficient way.

Observed in vivo the collective movement of nanorobots 

A team of researchers led by Samuel Sánchez from IBEC has monitored, for the first time, the behaviour of a swarm of nanorobots inside living mice. The study, published in the prestigious journal Science Robotics, reveals a coordinated movement, which could result in a very promising future in the field of precision medicine.