Laboratory-generated mini-kidneys help understand the link between diabetes and COVID-19 disease

In an international collaboration, researchers led by Nuria Montserrat, ICREA Research Professor at IBEC, have generated human mini-kidneys that simulate the kidney of a person with diabetes in the early stages of the disease. These diabetic mini-kidneys open the door to studying, among others, the relationship between diabetes and COVID-19.

Cell fusion ‘awakens’ regenerative potential of human retina

Fusing human retinal cells with adult stem cells could be a potential therapeutic strategy to treat retinal damage and visual impairment, according to the findings of a new study published in the journal eBioMedicine, with participation of Nuria Montserrat´s Group at IBEC. The hybrid cells act by awakening the regenerative potential of human retinal tissue, previously only thought to be the preserve of cold-blood vertebrates.

Bioengineering experts, key players of the Biennial City and Science 2021

Between the 8th and 13th June, the second edition of the “Barcelona City and Science Biennial” took place, and IBEC was one of the centers that contributed with its experts and the commissioner Nuria Montserrat. In addition, this Biennial culminated with the 14th edition of the Science Festival, with many proposals to live science in first person.

Bioengineered mini organs move towards the fight against cancer thanks to the AECC

A 3-years research project led by the ICREA Research Professor at IBEC, Núria Montserrat, has been dedicated to study kidney cancer by using laboratory organoids, thanks to the “LAB 2017” grants from the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC). Researchers have managed to create the first renal organoid-based animal model for this type of cancer, and to identify early signs of the development of the disease.

Experts aim to promote biomedical research

Josep Samitier, Teresa Sanchis and Nuria Montserrat highlight the advances made in nanomedicine and bioengineering for health in the XIV Annual Conference of Biomedical Research Technology Platforms, and support the voices that recommend increasing resources for the entire sector of basic and clinical research.

Experts highlight the importance of nanomedicine and bioengineering to address health challenges

IBEC experts participate in the XIV Annual Conference of Biomedical Research Technology Platforms, focusing on research opportunities following the pandemic caused by COVID19. Josep Samitier, Teresa Sanchís and Nuria Montserrat highlight the advances made in nanomedicine and bioengineering for health, and join the voices that recommend increasing resources for the entire sector of basic and clinical research.

We want to be like you: scientists!

On the International Women’s Day, the Primary School “CEIP San Rafael” in Cádiz organized a series of activities with the aim of making the role of women in science more visible. Focusing on the figure of Nuria Montserrat, researcher ICREA at IBEC, and under the motto: “Nuria Montserrat: a woman of the future… and of the present,” the students honoured this scientist and recognized the work that, like her, is done by many researchers in our country.