Bioengineering for Emergent and Advanced Therapies at the 17th IBEC Symposium

IBEC’s 17th Annual Symposium focused on ‘Bioengineering for Emergent and Advanced Therapies’, one of IBEC’s key application areas. Around 300 people attended the event, including local and international researchers. It was a multidisciplinary environment in which experts from other centres and the IBEC community itself had the opportunity to present their projects and share knowledge.

IBEC and West China Hospital strengthen collaboration in precision medicine

The second IBEC-WCH Precision Medicine Conference took place last week in Chengdu, China. This is a partnership between the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and the West China Hospital (WCH) of Sichuan University, which aims to strengthen scientific collaboration between the two countries.

A study led by IBEC successfully mimics the complex neuroblastoma vasculature on a chip to explore treatments for this pediatric cancer

Two studies led by IBEC have successfully mimicked the transdifferentiation process of the neuroblastoma vasculature in in vitro models. These models, one in 2D and the other on a microfluidic chip, provide platforms for identifying new biomarkers and designing effective therapies against this type of cancer.

Nanomedicine to tackle rare diseases

Experts in nanomedicine from various fields have gathered today for the fifth consecutive year at Nano Rare Diseases Day. This event is co-organized by the NANOMED Spain platform, coordinated by IBEC, and SJD Barcelona Children’s Hospital, showcasing the latest advances in nanomedicine for the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases.

IBEC Drives Dialogue on Innovations in Personalized Medicine and Emerging Therapies at Barcelona Health Innovation Week

Today, on February 14, IBEC organized the roundtable “Challenges in Innovation in Personalized Medicine and Emerging Therapies.” The event is part of Barcelona Health Innovation Week, organized by Biocat. It fostered a dialogue where experts from diverse fields shared their perspectives on identifying opportunities to propel the utilization of new technologies in the healthcare sector.

Nanomedicine experts gather on World Cancer Nanoday

Once again, experts in nanomedicine from various fields gathered in Barcelona on the occasion of World Cancer Day. The meeting provided an opportunity to showcase the latest innovations in nanomedicine for combating cancer, covering topics such as early diagnosis, controlled drug release, and radiotherapy employing nanoparticles.