Synthetic nanofibers to repair spinal cord injuries

Researchers led by Professor Samuel Stupp, from Northwestern University (USA) and Distinguished Professor Severo Ochoa at IBEC, together with Zaida Álvarez from IBEC, appear in the media for the recent study that has allowed them to develop a new injectable therapy that uses “dancing molecules” to reverse paralysis and repair tissue after severe spinal cord injury.

“Artificial smell” that determines the quality of food

Researchers led by Dr. Santiago Marco, principal investigator in the Signal and Information Processing for Sensor Systems group and professor at the University of Barcelona (UB) of IBEC, appear in the media for their recent study in collaboration with the University de Córdoba in which a system capable of detecting fraud on food labeling with the analysis of its aroma has been created.

Advance in research against childhood cancer in the #WorldResearchCancerDay

IBEC researchers appear in different media for the recent study senior-authored by Joan Montero and first-authored by Albert Manzano, Senior Researcher and PhD student in IBEC’s Nanobioengineering group in which they have used a state-of-the-art analysis technique to evaluate new drug combinations to successfully treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia.