Willpower is the key to enhancing learning and memory: researchers uncover the mechanism

A study led by SPECS lab reveals, for the first time in humans, that the theta waves generated by the hippocampus regulate the ability of neurons to fix and retrieve information. Manipulating the oscillation of these waves could, according to experts, eliminate traumatic memories or enhance memories lost due to amnesia or neurodegenerative diseases.

An alternative to mice for toxicity testing

Eduard Torrents and his team present an alternative to experimentation with mice. The research proposes the use of waxworms to evaluate the toxicity of nanoparticles, which is also cheaper and more ethical. These insects allow us to model their possible nanotoxicity in a living organism.

Interview to Robert Langer

During the 13th IBEC Symposium, the keynote speaker Robert Langer, Professor of the Technological Institute of Massachusetts (MIT) and Director of its biomedical engineering laboratory, gave an interview to the journalist Cristina Sáez for the SINC agency.

Great success of the 100tífiques event

Last February 11, on the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, more than 20 IBEC researchers gave talks in different schools around Catalonia. The objective of the meetings between researchers and students was to bring science closer to schools and to vindicate female scientific talent.

Doctors’ Senate Award honors a thesis on mechanobiology

Roger Oria appears in “la Vanguardia” after receiving the 24th Doctors’ Senate Award of the University of Barcelona (UB) for his thesis on mechanobiology, directed by Pere Roca-Cusachs, principal investigator at IBEC and Associate Professor at the UB’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Alícia Casals against the invisibility of female scientists

The industrial and computer engineer Alícia Casals, associated researcher at IBEC and professor at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), is interviewed in “el Periódico” to talk about the merits of the female researchers and to inspire young women in their disciplines.