Greener than ever: IBEC launches its sustainability strategy

The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) presents its strategy for sustainability which is committed to promote more sustainable practices in research and administration. With this initiative IBEC, an international excellence center focused on bioengineering solutions for health, takes the lead to fight climate change, pollution and non-sustainable practices with more strategy and actions.

Faster Future campaign against Parkinson’s culminates with new scientific breakthroughs

IBEC Faster Future program has made possible, over the last two years, and thanks to donor contributions, the study of antibodies as the basis of a therapeutic product for the treatment of Parkinson’s. The researchers now present the scientific advances and will continue working to try to respond to one of the greatest challenges of modern medicine: neurodegenerative pathologies such as Parkinson’s.

LEITAT and IBEC will promote last generation biotechnologies from Barcelona

A recent alliance between the LEITAT Technological Center and the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) will give a new impulse in the development and application of cutting-edge technologies that will combine engineering and biology to find solutions to health problems. Both institutions have established a new agreement to promote innovation in different scientific and technological areas, including 3D bioprinting with bioinks.

IBEC researchers participate in the “European Researchers’ Night”

Last Friday, September 24, the “European Researchers’ Night” took place, an event that is held on a European scale in more than 300 cities in 30 different countries. The objective of this event is to publicize the diversity of science and its impact on the daily lives of citizens in a close and inspiring way. For yet another year, IBEC has not wanted to miss it and has been present at various activities.

A “Crazy about bioengineering” transmits her passion for nanotechnology to her classmates

Bioengineering is powerful and reaches the classroom thanks to a study on nanotechnology, carried out by students from the Joan Pelegrí school. Marina Pujol, a student of the educational program “Crazy about Bioengineering” that takes place at IBEC, transmitted her passion for bioengineering to two of her classmates and they have written a report and recorded a video on nanotechnology.

IBEC becomes a benchmark communicating bioengineering on social media


The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) doubles its number of followers in the last two years, reaching the number of 20.000. With this achievement, IBEC ranks not only as a center of excellence in bioengineering research at an international level, but also as a benchmark in communicating bioengineering on social networks. 

Benedetta Bolognesi and Ben Lehner win competitive funding to join forces against neurodegenerative diseases 

The “la Caixa” Foundation will fund a large and innovative research project co-led by IBEC Junior Group Leader Benedetta Bolognesi and by ICREA research professor Ben Lehner at CRG, which aims to gain a better understanding of the genetic causes leading to neurodegenerative diseases. Researchers will combine deep mutagenesis and machine learning techniques to produce a “map of dementia” as a method to predict whether a person is more susceptible to suffer these diseases. 

Samuel Sánchez’s Nanorobots against cancer will accelerate with support from the “La Caixa” Foundation

Samuel Sánchez and his team at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), earned the competitive call CaixaResearch for Health Research to develop nanorobots against bladder cancer. Sánchez, a pioneer in the field of self-propelled nanorobots, proposes to move in this way towards solutions against one of the most common, recurring and expensive forms of cancer to treat.

The heroes of the pandemic and their experience at IBEC, in tribute to the victims of COVID19

The brilliant medical student, Laia Marcos, has been one of the protagonists of the tribute broadcast by TVE to the victims of COVID19 that took place today at the Royal Palace. Marcos lived a decisive step in her life, during hher stay in the laboratory of the pioneer researcher Samuel Sánchez at IBEC, with the help of the also scientific and expert Maria Guix.