The art of explaining bioengineering in images

The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) participates for the second consecutive time in the initiative “Creative Talent and Business” promoted by the Generalitat of Catalonia. IBEC, which is the first research centre to participate in this program, plans to annually renew its participation in this initiative, posing a different challenge for each academic year.

Nuria Montserrat, invited as a key speaker at the European Research and Innovation Days

Last 23rd and 24th of June took place the European Research and Innovation Days, where Nuria Montserrat was invited to share her research and personal experiences in a high-level panel about “COVID-19: lessons learnt, preparedness and resilience”. The event was opened by Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth and was moderated chaired by Philip Campbell, Editor-in-Chief Springer Nature.

Nuria Montserrat wins the National Research Award for Young Talent 

Nuria Montserrat, ICREA Research Professor and Group Leader at IBEC, has been awarded the National Research Award for Young Talent 2020 by the Catalan Government and the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRi). This award recognizes the pioneering research of Professor Montserrat in the field of bioengineering of pluripotent cells and generation of organoids, also known as mini-organs, for the study of diseases in humans. 

IBEC researchers win two “BIST Ignite Seed Grants”

IBEC researchers receive two “Ignite Seed Grants” to combine their skills with other BIST members to seek scientific answers to health challenges. Benedetta Bolognesi will study, with the IRB, Huntington’s disease and other neurodegenerative pathologies without treatment. On the other hand, Juan Manuel Fernández-Costa and researchers at ICFO will develop muscles-on-a-chip and biomagnetism sensors to accelerate the design of new treatments for muscular dystrophy.

IBEC promotes the development of advanced therapies thanks to FEDER funding

Funding from the 2014-2020 Catalan FEDER Operational Program, through the call for institutional projects for R+D infrastructure with a total amount of 700,000€, has co-financed the adaptation of new laboratory spaces and the acquisition of scientific equipment for IBEC laboratories. These new infrastructures will be aimed at boosting nanomedicine and tissue engineering research for the development of advanced therapies.

Bioengineering experts, key players of the Biennial City and Science 2021

Between the 8th and 13th June, the second edition of the “Barcelona City and Science Biennial” took place, and IBEC was one of the centers that contributed with its experts and the commissioner Nuria Montserrat. In addition, this Biennial culminated with the 14th edition of the Science Festival, with many proposals to live science in first person.

Bioengineering against COVID-19 receives a new boost thanks to “La Marató”

Three projects of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) will receive funding from “La Marató de TV3” to investigate different aspects of COVID-19. Thanks to the contributions received, the experts will deepen their understanding of the disease and its possible therapeutic solutions, study improvements in patient care processes, develop a system to predict the evolution of the respiratory system, and advance in the treatment of patients with pneumonia derived from COVID19.

IBEC and EMBL organise a successful workshop about engineered living systems

Last June 4th, IBEC and EMBL did it again: they joined forces to organize a successful workshop about the challenges and opportunities of multi-cellular engineered living systems (M-CELS). More than a 100 people attended this online event, which was a satellite session of a bigger virtual event held during the previous days in the Boston, the M-CELS Workshop 2021.

Clinical and bioengineering researchers accelerate together towards the medicine of the future

The Vall d’Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) and the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) intensify their collaboration to face health challenges. With the last translational conferences, both institutions reinforce the alliance signed in 2012 to address, among others, infectious, neurodegenerative diseases, rare diseases, tissue regeneration, pediatric cancer or Parkinson’s.

Experts highlight the importance of nanomedicine and bioengineering to address health challenges

IBEC experts participate in the XIV Annual Conference of Biomedical Research Technology Platforms, focusing on research opportunities following the pandemic caused by COVID19. Josep Samitier, Teresa Sanchís and Nuria Montserrat highlight the advances made in nanomedicine and bioengineering for health, and join the voices that recommend increasing resources for the entire sector of basic and clinical research.