Nanorobots to fight bacterial infections

Researchers develop self-contained micro- and nanorobots with antimicrobial activity, capable of attacking bacteria in the site of infection. The work has been led by Samuel Sánchez (Institute for Bioengineering of Catalunya (IBEC) and Cesar de la Fuente-Núñez (University of Pennsylvania, USA). The new technology, tested in mice, is a valuable tool for the treatment of bacterial infections in a controlled and localized way. In a future not so far, it could help combat infections.

“Pioneers” Award for research and potential application of biorobots

The researcher Rafael Mestre wins the CERCA 2021 Pioneer Award for his doctoral thesis on the development and application of bioacoustics biorobots based on muscle tissue, and the improvement of its manufacture using 3D printing technologies. The jury considered that the project, carried out under the supervision of ICREA Professor at IBEC, Samuel Sánchez, could have a great impact and applications, in various fields, such as regenerative medicine.