Pere Roca-Cusachs joins the European elite club in biology

Pere Roca-Cusachs, group leader at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and associate professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Barcelona (UB), has been chosen to join the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) , a prestigious network that brings together some of the most brilliant researchers in the world.

Roca-Cusachs is a pioneer in Europe in the mechanobiology field and in the study of how physical forces affect diseases such as cancer.

IBEC is looking for SuperFriends like you!

The Bioengineering Institute of Catalonia (IBEC) presents one of its most special findings: the IBEC SUPER-FRIENDS and SUPER-FRIENDS club, a way of being closer to the best bioengineering, of sharing our passion for curiosity, people and the Health.
Because there is only one thing better than having a friend: having a SuperFriend

We are already more than 600 people but we are missing you, what are you waiting for to become our SUPERFRIEND?

Jan van Hest, ICMS director receives the Spinoza Prize, the highest distinction in Dutch science

Polymer chemist Jan van Hest was awarded last June 19th the Spinoza Prize, the highest distinction in Dutch science. Van Hest’s activities include the development of artificial cells and nanomedicines.

Since 2016 he is director of the Institute for Complex Molecular Systems (ICMS) at the Technical University Eindhoven (TUE). ICMS and IBEC have been collaborating since 2018 and in 2020 they signed a new collaboration agreement.

Mònica Mir explains how IBEC technology can help transplant patients’ quality of life

Dr. Mònica Mir, researcher at the Nanobioengineering Group at IBEC and leader of the Caixa Impulse funded project ISCHEMSURG, explained on World Transplant Day how this electrochemical sensor can monitor ischemia in transplanted tissue thus, improving transplant patients’ quality of life.

How did the ISCHEMSURG project take shape?

The project was born after speaking with medical doctors who told us about the problems they were having monitoring postoperative ischemia—an inadequate supply of blood—in transplanted tissue.

Nuria Montserrat presents to the Minister of Science and Innovation her project to fight coronavirus using bioengineered organoids

Nuria Montserrat, Group Leader at IBEC and ICREA Research Professor, meets with the Minister of Science and Innovation, Pedro Duque, to present her ACE2-ORG project, which seeks, by using organoids generated from bioengineering techniques, possible therapeutic solutions against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The Minister of Science and Innovation held a videoconference meeting this Thursday, June 18, with the responsibles of five research projects that are working on the development of new technologies to deal with SARS-CoV-2 and which are being financed by the Fund COVID-19, managed by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII).

IBEC committed with the creative talent of the future

The Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) is the first research center to take part in the “Creative talent and Business” initiative launched by the Catalan Government.

Bioengineering involves addressing, understanding and solving highly complex problems in biomedicine. Research in nanomedicine, cell and tissue engineering, and new technologies for health will greatly change the way we face medical challenges.

Samuel Sánchez, a referent in the nanotechnology field, elected new member of the Young Academy of Spain

An international committee has elected Samuel Sánchez, the European referent in nanomotors, as one of the new 13 researchers, among 185 candidates, who will be a member of the Young Academy of Spain.

Last Thursday, May 28, the General Board of the Young Academy of Spain elected 13 new academic members. An independent international committee composed of highly prestigious researchers from different areas of knowledge participated in the selection process.

School research projects on bioengineering developed at IBEC have great success

Last March Alex Pachón, a stutent that did his research project at IBEC won the CRACKS Prize awarded each year by the University of Girona (UdG) thanks to his School Research Project on nanobiotechnology applied to cancer medicine. Filotea Crasovan won the Foro de Gracia contest.

Alex’s work, entitled ‘The secret of oncological medicine hidden in the nanoworld’, is one of the 25 school research projects tutored last year by IBEC researchers.

IBEC leads three new European projects

Bioengineering is a core discipline for the medicine of the future, and Europe knows that. Proof of this is that the European Union (EU) has granted during the last months the coordination of three European projects to the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) to continue combining medicine, science and technology with the aim of improving people’s health.

The first one is the BRIGHTER project that is led by Professor Elena Martínez, the head of the ‘Biomimetic Systems for Cell Engineering’ group. The EU has contributed to this initiative that will be used by the consortium partners to develop an innovative high resolution 3D bioprinting technology able to fabricate 3D cell culture substrates which could be useful to produce artificial organs in the future.

IBEC’s sixth reSearch4Talent open doors edition goes online

Fifty undergraduate and master students attended this year’s reSearch4Talent, this is the sixth time we’ve opened our doors to young scholars interested in a scientific career, but this time, virtually.

In 2019 IBEC signed more than 145 internship agreements for Undergraduate and Master Students who are at a key moment in their careers with a wide range of national and international universities.