- 10 Years of IBEC
- Agenda, IBEC birthday week 2017
- All Staff by department
- Alumni
- An apparent rigorous scientist
- Avís legal
- Beyond Antibiotics: New Therapeutic Approaches for Bacterial Infections
- Bioengineering against COVID19
- Biomechanics of tissue folding
- Biomechanics of tissue folding
- Building bridges
- Canal ético
- Career in Bioengineering
- Comunidad de doctorandos
- Doing your PhD at IBEC
- «la Caixa» Doctoral Fellowships INPhINIT – INCOMING at IBEC
- Anticipation of respiratory outcomes in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome patients by clinical and metabolic signatures
- Defining the spinal cord injury matrisome to design more effective experimental treatments
- Design and assessment of antimalarial multivalent nanodrug
- Design of a biomimetic organ-on-chip device to study endometrial cell migration in the context of endometriosis
- Development and preclinical implementation of a rhabdomyosarcoma organon-a-chip model to identify novel therapies
- Massively parallel screening of small molecules modifiers of amyloid nucleation in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Microfluids oxygenator for artificial placenta
- Mimicking emerging phenomena of living organisms by chemically motile protocells
- Multimodal magnetic resonance investigations of cortical responses and therapeutic applications of photoswitchable drugs
- Muscle-on-chip devices for monitoring fibrotic processes in muscular dystrophies
- Nuclear mechanotransduction in intestinal organoids
- «la Caixa» Doctoral Fellowships INPhINIT – RETAINING at IBEC
- IBEC International PhD Programme fellowships
- IBEC PhD FPI fellowships associated with the MCIN funded projects «Generación del Conocimiento»
- «la Caixa» Doctoral Fellowships INPhINIT – INCOMING at IBEC
- Doing your PhD at IBEC: other fellowships and funding
- Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
- IBEC Doctoral Certificate of Excellence and the Doctoral Award for predoctoral researchers
- Jobs
- Master students
- Opportunities for PIs and senior researchers
- PhD Student Committee
- Postdoc opportunities
- Professional and personal development
- Tesis doctorales
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- Complementary skills training for researchers at all career stages
- Computer scientist by day, cantaor by night
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- Cooking science in the lab
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- Corporate image
- Craftworking in the lab
- Deciphering disease mechanisms and designing nanomedicine treatments using organoid technology
- Device for Augmented Human Olfaction
- Encuesta de Satisfacción
- For press
- From London to Barcelona, navigating across science
- Guiding neuroregeneration with light at the peripheral nervous system
- Gutenberg Test
- Home
- IBEC 10th Anniversary – social programme
- IBEC thematic networks
- IBEC’s 10th Birthday Party, Friday 9th June
- IBEC’s Gambit
- Industria y Hospitales
- Bioengineering in reproductive health
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- Colaboraciones clínicas
- Colaboraciones con la industria
- Conoce al equipo de Transferencia de Tecnología
- Noticias de innovación
- Open Innovation Lab
- Oportunidades de concesión de licencias
- Plataforma ISCIII Biobancos y Biomodelos
- Spin offs
- Transferencia de tecnología impulsada desde el mercado
- Maria’s life in 20.000 frames
- Mechanics of intestinal organoids
- Name me Superheroina
- News
- Newsletter
- Promoting cardiac regeneration by biomimetic microenvironments
- Research
- Research groups
- Bacterial infections: antimicrobial therapies
- Bioinspired Interactive Materials and Protocellular Systems
- Biomaterials for Neural Regeneration
- Biomaterials for Regenerative Therapies
- Biomedical signal processing and interpretation
- Biomimetic systems for cell engineering
- Biosensors for bioengineering
- Biosensors for bioengineering
- Biosensors for bioengineering
- Biosensors for bioengineering
- Cellular and molecular mechanobiology
- Former groups
- Biomechanics and mechanobiology
- Cellular and respiratory biomechanics
- Control of stem cell potency
- Microbial biotechnology and host-pathogen interaction
- Molecular dynamics at cell-biomaterial interface
- Nanoscopy for nanomedicine
- Neuroengineering
- Robotics
- Single Molecule Bionanophotonics (until July 2011)
- Synthetic Morphogenesis
- Synthetic, Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems (SPECS)
- Integrative cell and tissue dynamics
- Microenvironments for Medicine
- Molecular and Cellular Neurobiotechnology
- Molecular Bionics
- Molecular Imaging for Precision Medicine
- Nanobioengineering
- Nanomalaria
- Nanoprobes and Nanoswitches
- Nanoscale bioelectrical characterization
- Pluripotency for organ regeneration
- Protein Phase Transitions in Health and Disease
- Signal and Information Processing for Sensing Systems
- Smart nano-bio-devices
- Spatial Biotechnology
- Targeted therapeutics and nanodevices
- Science, music and virtual reality from the river side of Barcelona
- Smart nano-bio-devices
- Smart nano-bio-devices
- Sobre nosotros
- Sociedad y Ciencia
- Ciencia inclusiva: atención a la diversidad en los proyectos de educación científica
- Ciencia y Arte
- Curiosidades
- Frontiers programme. Ciencia y periodismo científico
- Ibec in the Media
- IBEC’s Journalist-in-Residence Programme 2022
- IMAB: Involucrando a la Comunidad de Mayores en los Avances en Bioingeniería para la salud y el envejecimiento saludable
- Open Science
- Outreach
- Recursos para la prensa
- Videos
- Spatial sensing and mechanotransdution at cell adhesions during mesenchymal condensation
- Staff member
- Stay in touch / Seguir en contacto
- Styles for IBEC Website
- test
- test
- Thank you for your commitment
- The day that Pere decided not to take the elevator
- The hidden face of research labs
- The hidden face of the IBECNET
- The microscope artist
- The minimal chemotactic cell
- The poetry behind science
- The value of the little things
- Understanding embodied social behavior in humans and robots
- Volunteers in challenging days
- 3D tumor models for cancer research
- Active Nano-particles in nanomedicine: smart drug delivery systems
- Big data methods for electric functional scanning probe microscopies in Biology
- Bioprinted hydrogel microfluidics to mimic tissue barriers
- Control of cell function by nuclear mechanics
- Deciphering key cell-matrix interactions in differentiation and disease of the 3D musculoskeletal system tissues
- Design of novel targeted drug delivery carriers guided by Super resolution microscopy
- Embedded sensing architecture for mixed reality environments
- IBEC Collaborative PhD Programme
- IBEC-Banc de Sang i Teixits PhD Programme
- IBEC-Sant Joan de Déu PhD Programme
- IBEC-VHIR PhD Programme
- Improving immunotherapy by targeting the immunosuppressive fibroblasts in lung cancer
- Mechanobiology of intestinal organoids
- Molecular prosthetics for vision restoration based on freely-diffusible and covalently bound photoswitches
- Multimodal physiological biomarkers and mHealth tools for non-invasive monitoring and assessment of asthmatic patients
- New strategies to combat bacterial infections
- Signal processing and machine learning for omics data
- Single-cell transcriptomic profiling of in vitro human embryo implantation
- Targeted Nanodevices for Delivery of Therapeutics across Body Barriers
- Targeting cardiac progenitors in human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs): identification of novel non-coding RNAs driving cardiac development and regeneration
- Targeting vesicle trafficking as a strategy against malaria
- The minimal chemotactic cell
- The Mutational Landscape of Proteins containing Prion Domains
- Artificial Intelligence for Bioengineering (NET-IA)
- Bioengineering approaches to understand, model and modify healthy and pathological CNS (NET-CNS)
- Multidisciplinary approaches to tackle rare diseases with personalized medicine (diagnostics and therapies) (NET-RARE)
- Next-Generation Nanomedicine (NET-NANO)
- Quasi-living systems: Merge and Emerge (NET-QUASI)
- BIST – FBA Fellows
- Tecniospring INDUSTRY programme
- Elucidating the transport of misfolded proteins across the blood brain barrier
- Mechanics and epigenetics of renal organoids
- Quasi-living therapeutics: biomimetic vesicles for bacterial endocytosis
- Specific targeting of parasites and bacteria with DNA aptamers
- Tunable elastic scaffolds for curved epithelial mechanics of the colorectum
- Hystrainer: Surgical trainer for hysteroscopy surgery
- IBEC Intramural Thematic Networks
- IBEC Mentoring Programme
- Junior Group Leader position within the BIST- la Caixa initiative in Chemical Biology
- Nonlinear Photonics for Neuroscience